Does Opportunity work from any position with Mutilate?

I hear so people saying yes, some other saying no. What is the real answer?

Does mutilate or does it not say it works with TALENTS and effects regarding backstab unless otherwise specified?

The talents says specifically “when striking from behind”
All abilities listed can only be done from behind, so maybe the tooltip has nothing to do. But mutilate, which benefits from backstab talents, can be used facing mob, thats why im curious if the 20% will work only when you use mutilate “from behind”

Replace the word Backstab, in every talent you have, with Mutilate.
Mutilate does exactly that, exactly how it’s worded, verbatim.

It just straight up increases the damage done, the is talent only worded that way because it pertains to abilities you can only use from behind.

Ugh, brain twitched trying to read this. Let me fix it…

Ah that’s better. Pardon the grammar policing, but that one REALLY bothered me for some reason.

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I don’t know with 100% certainty, but unless you can show testing for this, I would like to bet copious amounts of gold that you’re wrong.

My mage’s Shatter talent increases the critical strike chance of my spells on frozen targets by 50%, a well known talent clearly intended for damage.
But it is worded to say “spells”, not “damaging spells” cause mage didn’t have any other kind of spells in 2004, much like your Opportunity talent is worded with a clear intent.

Do you know what happens when I use Chronostatic Preservation to heal a friendly that an enemy mage has Nova’d?
It almost always crits. Cause the wording is treated 100% literally.

I would find a beefy tank to duel and use as a target dummy to test it, but my rogue is too long for the numbers to show much variance without a huge time investment and I don’t care enough.

I tested in p1 because I was curious about this talent interaction. I dueled a resto druid friend and spammed mut with only 5/5 Opportunity and I didn’t notice any damage variation based on position. This was over like 2-3 minutes. I did not have on any poisons or deadly brew for this either.

Then I did the same after respeccing with no points spent. Damage was significantly lower on average.

As best I can tell, it’s just a blanket 20% buff to mut. I believe OG mut also had the behind positional requirement, so could be an oversight.

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It applies the 20% damage from any position.

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they aren’t wrong…the talent works no matter what side of the mob/boss you are on. It’s well known in the rogue community that this is the case.

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ehh that was more a straight up flub, I come and go and type quickly

I have a rogue and tested it P1

Can confirm, just tested this now and it did increase my damage without being behind the target (you do not have to be behind the target for this bonus - I tested it with backstab/the rune where you do not need to be behind the target)

In any boss fight scenario you want to be hitting from behind regardless if youre melee.