Does mw just never oom with mana tea?

legit seems impossible to oom as this spec anymore and was curious what it’s like for you guys

playing casted version if it matters

fistweaver now ooms rapidly where as sm weavers still have staying power. the real question should be is why do shamans never oom? They are so far beyond monk now it isn’t even funny.

But monk did take a hit with the prepatch. mostly in output with the set bonus being completely changed. Manna wise caster monk is in a much better place than fistweaver now.

What content you referring to? Because I don’t see this at all. It’s the complete opposite lmao.


In pvp you now have half the staying power because you have to use jade fire stomp much more often to aoe heal.

If you’re mashing FLS for healing you’re Fistweaving incorrectly. No flame.

You didn’t do that in DF, and you don’t do that now.

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Still OOMing fairly quickly in Arena, though perhaps slightly less so now with the prepatch changes. Mana tea still needs a buff.

Dunno about PVE but I was ooming pretty hard as caster MW in Blitz