It hurts it more this patch than ever before. It’s the combo of:
valor upgrading M+ gear
catalyst converting gear to tier
This makes M+ converted tier pieces objectively stronger than normal/heroic. There is zero reason for someone to run heroic (for tier pieces) at this point.
Or create another +13 item level gear set when in m+ or open world if tier set is not available to m+? Like pvp gear? Buy people Who do both raid and m+ may not like the idea.
What I wanted to say has probably been raised previously or discussed in great detail, but just for reiteration sake;
Sorry, tl;dr… but,
M+ is a fantastic addition to the game that I think blizzard are right to embrace and enhance - the new S4 (and DF expac) ideology of bringing older previous dungeons into the rotation is a great. My gripe is the gearing system and how M+ seems to have taken away the need to be a top tier raider.
CLEARLY, getting together with 4 other players who are very skilled and fast at learning mechanics and working as a team and grinding out ‘key master’ is far more achievable than the logistics of a 20 man group to push Mythic raiding. I think keep the concept of M+ but cap the ilvl/gear lower than Mythic raiding.
Yes, I realise that I am just a peasant raider who isn’t a top tier hardcore mythic runner, nor have I even been very active this expac or alot of BFA - returning for a long absence and throwing out suggestions is ‘arrogant’. I just feel that the people who make the effort week in week out pushing the top content of Mythic raiding don’t really have much of a flex over the masses of M+ runners who (in most cases) are equally if not better geared than them?
Why can’t M+ cap gear to the equivalent of Heroic raiding? Thus helping guilds better gear/prepare for the progression push into Mythic.
I expect this suggestion (if it hasn’t already) to be an unpopular one and lots of “you’re not even a real raider!” etc. However, just feel it would definitely help entice guilds to ‘hang in there’ and progress rather than get AoTC and just unofficially disband until the next raid tier, whilst dedicated members/players grind M+ for upgrades.
These are begging the question. WoW is not a game that’s (at least any longer) trying to prop up raiding at the expense of other game modes. For now, the three endgame modes Blizzard is supposedly trying to keep somewhat equal are Rated PvP, Raiding, and Mythic+. The idea that raiding deserves or needs to flex* on others leaves questions of why, and what purpose it serves?
If you feel that raiding can only be viable and exist by cannibalising and keeping other modes and other playerbases down (e.g. Mythic+), potentially taking away from content as well as driving players/customers of those modes away, is it even worth being propped up?
*And even Mythic raiding is a wide spectrum. There’s a large difference between people in the Hall of Fame, and people who can field warm bodies with a pulse to kill intro bosses like Vigilant Guardian. It’s kinda hard to justify that oneshotting an easy intro boss for Mythic loot is a flex-worthy achievement over +15, +20, +30, and any highest level in an infinite scaling mode. There’s quite obviously some point where that 5-man dungeon is a more impressive achievement than rolling over a loot pinata (people will argue where that point is, but it has to exist), and saying the latter deserves a better reward is just ridiculous.
Is that a pro or a con? Sounds like a pro to me. We SHOULD have a diverse end game.
Ksm isn’t comparable to CE. Thats why mythic raiders not only get higher ilvl gear but they get it faster. In the comparison you’re bringing m+ tops out at 262 until valor gets uncapped.
The best M+ Players I know are CE raiders. Both game types are great and neither one hurts the other. If anything, they compliment each other and give the player more options to enjoy the game. I wish I had the time to do mythic raid progression, but I have too many kids. I can’t pull out of a driveway!!
I’d wager that there is less raid participation now than in any other tier in the last 3 expansions, at the least. I know that if I’m looking to upgrade my 252 tier piece to 272, I’m going to just valor upgrade my +15 item and use the catalyst.
It all depends on the content you want to do. If raiding is a fun activity for you, you’re going to raid. You’ll even do m+ or pvp to enhance your ability to raid. If you want to do m+, you’ll raid or pvp to enhance your ability to do m+, same applies for pvp. It’s hard to say that any of these pillars hurt the other because they all compliment each other. You can get a slightly inflated ilvl in pvp while you’re ranking up by doing keys, however when you start pushing further and further into it your ranked up pvp gear is going to get you where you want to be. Same thing for raiding, you can use the other pillars to inflate your ilvl a little bit to help you kill some bosses, but at the end of the day the loot from mythic Anduin to Jailer aside from some trinkets is going to be better than anything from m+. If you’re wanting to do m+, you’re going to run the raid because some of the trinkets are the best you have on offer plus the higher ilvl rewards can help you push higher.
Raid participation drops because either people have gotten as far as they care to in the raid, gotten what they want out of it, or have completely brick walled and given up. There’s no reason to keep pushing beyond those points. There are going to be people who push the raid all tier long either for alts or for parses, but raiding will always drop off faster than what m+ or pvp will.
The more I think on it, perhaps raiding should have some kind of score as well based on how fast you kill a boss, and the higher the score the higher you can upgrade gear, much like m+. I think that would be an interesting way to keep raid engagement up.
After a certain threshold , tho, M+ doesn’t really get ’ harder’ its just numbers. If you got the gear to push out the numbers to aoe etc enough damage out its just almost how far your itemlevel can carry you.
Tanks don’t ‘tank’ you do everything to avoid any tank damage more or less, then its just which heals can do more dps, which has the best stuns and slows, and so forth.
Heroic level raiding is in a useless spot. Aside from wanting aotc, there is no point in running it. Mythic plus provides more gear with less effort and its depressing. I hope blizz incentivizes raiding in coming patches. I’m in a guild where we preferred raiding all together rather than breaking off into 5 man cliques and leaving each other out. Something not right for sure.
I’d agree with this argument. I do think mythic is the most fun version of raiding, from my time doing it in BFA. But it feels wholly inaccessible to me nowadays and it may be time to relax the precision level.
Everything in the game can contribute to gear acquisition, but if you had to do something you hated to do, would you still be actively playing?
I actually think this is a great idea. To grow on it, have mythic raid give out double the quantity instead of quality as further incentive to try and progress, but I think they would improve a lot of things if the incentive to do things were the fun / challenge / prestige more than the gear itself. Kind of how m+ 15’s is the gear cap, I think for consistency sake heroic would be a great place to cap as well.