Does Killshot Benefits More as MM?

How do you compute Killshot Damage? Does Hunter’s Stats affect it? Does Pet’s Stats affect it? BM Hunter’s Main Weapon is his Pet not his Range Weapon. Pls. clarify. Thanks.

It’s affected by agility, versatility and crit like every other ability. Its cooldown is not affected by Haste though.

Mastery is different for every spec. BM Mastery only applies to pets, so it doesn’t work on Kill Shot. MM Mastery does work, and I believe the Master Marksman talent also applies.

There are some shenanigans where some pet abilities don’t apply weapon damage, but Kill Shot is not a pet ability so it works normally.

Also, MM gets Dead Eye, which both makes Kill Shot easier to use, and adds Aimed Shot CDR on use. It does make the rotation a bit of a mess, however.

For every single ability on non-caster classes, with the sole exceptions (as far as I’m aware) of Kill Command and pet basic attacks (but not pet auto-attacks), the damage is computed as a percentage of your effective AP. You can find the coefficients on Wowhead. For example, here’s the one for Kill Shot:

Specifically, the (200% of Attack power) part. For non-casters, your effective Attack Power is equal to your Agility plus 6 times your weapon DPS (Agility + WeaponDPS*6). Remember that your attack power (the whole thing, both from agility and from weapon DPS) is increased by 5% if you have Battle Shout from a warrior. The damage of the ability is then further increased, as applicable, by mastery and versatility, and for some abilities, crit and/or haste (but Kill Shot is not one of these), as well as Lone Wolf for MM without a pet, and the tooltip accounts for all of these things.

For example, my hunter has 552 agility. His weapon (115 bow) deals 21.7 DPS. His effective AP is thus 552 + 21.7*6 = 682.2. Kill Shot deals 200% of that, 1364.4. As MM, my hunter has +45.3% damage from mastery (260 rating) and 8.94% damage increase from versatility. Including Lone Wolf, that increases the damage to 1364.4 * 1.453 * 1.0894 * 1.1 = 2375.68. And sure enough, that’s exactly what my tooltip for Kill Shot shows:

And for the sake of comparison, here’s the tooltip for the same gear as BM:

Which is precisely where I’d expected it. Same base damage (1364.4), but for BM it only gets increased by my versatility (which is actually slightly higher in my BM gear at +10.74%, because I swap out my legs for an same-itemlevel pair with crit and a bit of vers instead of mastery and a bit of crit), for a total of 1364.4 * 1.1074 = 1510.94.

So, object lesson here is that Mastery + Lone Wolf means MM gets pretty substantially more out of Kill Shot (57%, in my case, but this is end-of-expansion gear, it’ll be smaller in SL), and Dead Eye only deepens that divide.

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Thanks for the reply. I can see it now.

In Shadowlands, what do Hunters get? We get:
Mend Pet Rank 2 at level 52
Tranquilizing Shot Rank 2 at level 54
Improved Traps Rank 2 at level 56
Kill Shot Rank 2 at level 58.

And Kill Shot favors MM. And BM really didnt get anything good. Blizz should change Kill Shot mechanics by giving its damage computation to our pet. Kill Shot is almost useless to BM becoz BM’s main weapon is not thru his Range Weapon but from his Pet.

Looks like I am gonna be MM on Shadowlands.