Does hunter FD still work to aggro others?

" you’ll get banned" whatever. I am just wondering if it still works. Aggro mobs and run to a player and FD. I did this in TBC and it worked, so I am wondering if it still works in hardcore and if not then how did they fix it? Seems hard to fix unless they remove FD

Just do what I do, run up to them and die.

No ban involved.


Make sure to /yell aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa help as you run up to people trailing a train of mobs so it seems legit

This can be set as a macro.

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The grief drama is going to be the best thing about HC. I can’t wait.


they fixed it for HC, no doubt
it’s not that hard to fix, just dont put players on the aggro table if they don’t attack the mobs :expressionless:

No one will get banned. You think there’s going to be a single GM looking into this stuff? :laughing:


They warned players about that sort of behavior in the Rules of Engagement so it would seem they didn’t change the way aggro works. They did state in the PTR notes that they are leashing mobs for a fixed distance from where first engaged. That was initially 500 yards but unsure if that was altered since I haven’t been able to play on the PTR. Feign Death isn’t going anywhere.

Just let it go, opie. It’s really not that clever.

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Griefing is bad. They’ve already said they are going to take action when people force other players to die in Hardcore.

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They say a lot of things. Remember when the Token would get rid of RMT? Read those monthly posts about the 100k bots they ban.

Blizzard lies.


They might ban if someone egregiously griefs a raid or dungeon group, probably not for individual events at level 10-20 where the legitimacy is unclear.

I do actually. Blizzard made it very clear they are taking griefing seriously for HC. :expressionless:

the obvious difference is banning RMT hurts their bottom line
no reason not to ban HC griefers though :expressionless:

It’s the same argument as bots, griefers are subs too.


losing subs from a couple hundred griefers isn’t significant :expressionless: