Does gear matter in PVP? How so?

Depends which melee.

Not sure if this was asked/talked about, but what gear are you talking about?

The PvE Gear that has nerfs in PvP but still as an advantage over much of the PvP gear, or are you talking about the PvP gear that You get from the PvP drops, that never seems to be quite good enough to PvE in?


Anyone even mildly suggesting that scaling is anything but a troll comment by a Blizz employee has not actually PvPed on a fresh 120, I am convinced of that.

It actually was a thing. Patch 8.2 may have killed it though. Doesnā€™t take long to gear to a reasonable ilvl though.

It doesnā€™t matter how long you think it takes. That is all relative. In WoD I was competitive above 2k with just the gear I won from PvPingā€¦ which is what I want to do.

I do not, and most PvPers do not, want to run 100 Mythics in hopes that they fill their slots with gear that will allow them to be competitive in PvP.


Well technically you donā€™t ā€œhave toā€ do anything, haha. But it was much to your advantage to do WoD Ashran. Youā€™d be 200 CP short every week, and youā€™d be gearing a lot slower.

Thereā€™s no point. Talking to juga is like talking to a brick wall. Heā€™ll never understand it from your point of view because the current system is fine for the casual pve player that dabbles in a bit of pve. :sweat_smile:

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I guess if world quests are considered pve. When I think pve, I think raids/dungeons. World quests are for both, and with warmode on, has the potential for pvp.

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Eh you were capped well before the season was over by not doing it. I did it on my main for a bit but never bothered on my alts.

Again though we were talking about catch up?! To catch up on an alt doing arenas/rbgs was faster than ashran was.

Faster than BGs too, and Ashran was faster than BGs as well.

Yes it was? Still honor gear was decent filler as the catch up wasnā€™t 100%. I did a ton of bgs for honor gear in wod. I have done zero bgs for gear this expac or last.

For honor? I donā€™t think it was that much faster. Some of those games dragged on forever, part of the reason I didnā€™t play it much (that and the boring aoe ranged fest). I know a lot of people did it on alts because you could hide behind your army if you didnā€™t have gear but I did a ton of random bgs on alts and had no problems.

Everything is always faster than random BGsā€¦ always has been.

I have and had a blast the whole way through.

For everything. Events gave honor points, the quest gave CP. If you got in a good group (which you could fish for groups and stay in it for hours) youā€™d be geared way quicker than BGs.

Had a blast getting sub par ilvl items? Having a blast getting 4 cloaks in a row? Or how about a 2h staff for ele? Lol your definition of a blast is very different than everyone elseā€™s :roll_eyes:

It was not :roll_eyes: rated was much faster for cp catch up. And honor wise it couldnā€™t have been much faster if any. My guildies would go in there as groups all the time while I did reg bgs and I always had just as much honor gear lol.

/Sigh you againā€¦

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Bgs are there for BGs, not just rewards. Something wod did wrong by spoiling people. If you want the better rewards should do rated pvp.

I was comparing to random BGsā€¦ the forum we are in and mainly discuss. Rated BGs arenā€™t much of a thing in these parts and arena is -----> that way

Historically, you know, classic-wod? It was for both during that whole time you know?

Lol yea spoiled because they were able to get bis PvP gear from PvP. Weā€™re able to pick and choose the item and stat load out they wanted. How horrific that sounds :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

You keep having a blast, Iā€™ll keep discussing with others about the good ol days and hope blizzard does some design changes for 9.0 (and hopefully classic holds my attention that long!)

And pve canā€™t. So why should random BGā€™ers get to pick and choose bis gear/stats, when even mythic raiders canā€™t? And no, there was a time where rating got you better gear (I forget what expansion) and Classic was more an Honor grind (but more pve gear) Mop and wod were really the only casual friendly expansions.

Classic ignorant comment. Rated rewards are still rng, which is the issue. No one gives a hoot about randoms or their rewards.

Yes all gear is rng, pvp and pve.

Benthic gear is rng? Do you now what this word means?

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Rng if you get a good piece. Also you donā€™t have to dungeon or raid for benthic gear.