Does feral work to farm lashers?

Druids farm mara 2 boss and mushies, or mushies in purple and goblin, works out 45-50g per hour depending on the server

Druids can farm more difficult things than Lasher farm anyway.

What you wanna do is get a healer, if you are feral; or get a DPS if you are a healer and do 2-3 man jump runs there. Think of it like lashers except you kill the water boss, the sacrifice boss, loop back to the lasher room to get the big door opened and kill the last boss.

Blizzard nerfed the drop tables for lashers to the ground in classic. Even more amusing, this drop in their rates still not low enough to prevent living essence from selling as low as 1-3g each.


I was going to say something along similar lines to that, group up with some rogues and do stealth runs of Angerforge for a fee. Druids being so flexible as tank, healer, or mediocre dps with just a gear swap has many ways to make gold in groups.

Spec balance with herbalism and mining, solo kill Hydro and Zhev, herb the drop area and all the ghost mushrooms, solo the stealth Satyr’s for felcoth, and then open the back door by getting Alzzin to 50%, running out and resetting, then stealth in and mine the rich thorium. 80+ gold per hour.


I’ve never heard of getting Alzzin to 50% opening the cave and allowing you to run out/stealth back in to mine the thorium. Does this work on classic? If so, I’m down lol

Buy relic coffer keys cheap, do coffer runs, then profit.


Run instances for lowbies (1g a piece, like 20g-30g per hour running if done very fast). If you are alliance stockades or deadmines are profitable, for horde scarlet monastery.


farm bosses in BRD or similar instances, DE or vendor the loot.

It’s not that you can’t do it, it’s that it isn’t worth the time spent.

Pretty much othing nature immune is worth farming on a druid.

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What the hell is the “cave boss” people refer to in dire maul?

Alzinn the Wildshaper? That stands in a arena somewhat remotely near a tunnel?

Mara purple to princess with herb and mining is decent too kill some bosses ghost mushrooms and ore nodes golden pearls from turtles.

Correct, the boss that opens the thorium cave/tunnel

Yes there are videos showing how it is done. Locks hunters balance druids and elemental shamans can do it. Not sure about shadow priests but they can easily do Mara.

I’ve seen locks solo the last boss, never seen them get it to 50% then run out.
What would the technique be called to look it up?

as a druid tank. I run instances with guildies at night.
scholo. dead strat. DM-N.

I make 10-25G a run. lots of greens. lots of cloth. lots of vendor gear noone needs.
and BOE’s now and then.
No deaths as we are a team.

ya thats been my main source of income to. though outside of running with giuldies i haven’t been doing them much as I don’t really need anything from them.

Why don’t you just learn to farm the AH? It’s raining soup, grab a bucket.

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I’ve played WoW since vanilla with auctioneer add ons and it’s never panned out for me. Sure I’ll make a bit of gold but it always falls through eventually, someone undercuts me by 50% for some stupid reason and destroys the market instead of undercutting by a few copper. On retail just before I quit I got burnt by like 80,000g on herbs. I’m done with spending my play time on the AH.

They’re not destroying the market, they’re giving you an opportunity to buy low and sell high.

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I dont need anything from them either.
but scholo is profitable with 13 bosses that drop blues/purples that vendor.
The less people that “need” things from there, the more vendor loot you get any ways.
there is a recipe that sells for 300 gold that drops now and then. and we see a blue every other run out of there.
i leave with at least a stack of rune cloth (2G on my server per stack)
and 3-4 greys that vendor for 2G or so each.
and a green or two worth 2-3-4 Gold.
and pure cash of 2-3 gold.

we can clear it in about 35 minutes. no deaths.

Empty loot windows are are a killer.

Even if they put something that’s 1 copper…at least you get something. Seeing that window appear for a second then disappear makes you feel like you’ve been cheated out of loot. Blizz really needs to fix that.

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How about ZF? I haven’t tried it yet, but you might be able to take on the packs of mobs in there if you pull them carefully. It’s also close to Gadgetzan, for easy selling.

Horde folks could also farm SM quite easily.