Does fel magic destroy souls?

He says Fel consumes Souls yet doesn’t say it destroys Souls! A Soul turning Demonic would be a Soul so consumed by Fel it became a Demon!

I’m not even sure the Void outright destroys the Souls it claims…


That’s not a logical conclusion. What you have is that BOTH can happen, depending on what’s being done as I’ve pointed out before.

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Another option, (that I doubt the devs have implemented) is that like various culture in RL, the person is made of more than one soul and one body. The existance of multiple parts of a soul or multiple souls allows a person to be in two forms of afterlife at once. e.g.: residing with the customary god(s) while also reincarnating in a new born family member and also being available to give advice to the local shaman as an ancestor spirit.

If thats the case, it may be possible for a soul to be destroyed while also allowing the person to suffer becasue of it, in some form. Similar to “death for the dead” in the Beetlguise universe.

Usually most forms of soul destruction involve a suitable amount of agony in the process. When it happens in literature, there’s generally a lot of spiritual screaming involved.

Appologies. I meant suffer all the way through the soul having been destroyed. Then they’re still around to suffer existence without a soul even though they are a form of spirit.

As long as this logic can keep Varian away from SL… I can accept it as canon. Lol.
But lorewise of couse I don’t buy it. We all know it’s a makeshift measure for the time being :stuck_out_tongue:

Fel is capable of destroying souls, as we’ve seen with things like soul shards, but there’s a misguided insistence that all Fel-based attacks are suddenly soul-destroying, when there’s absolutely no reason to think that. Varian’s soul being intact isn’t even a controversial thing to think.


I think it also really comes down to what “destroyed” means. Like one could argue that all of the souls in the maw are destroyed - most of the mawsworn are twisted beyond any recognition of their former selves, and many of them are soul amalgams, made up of hundreds of even thousands. They’re directionless and unable to identify their individual parts.

But what I wonder is whether a soul can be truly destroyed at all? If there’s a way to find the fragments of a soul and fix it, to create a whole soul once again. I’m working with destroyed meaning “It doesn’t exist anymore, and there’s no way for it to in the future.”

Yes, we can shatter souls, and unravel them, and do all sorts of awful things to them - compared to their intact selves, yes, they are destroyed.
Uther’s got a huge chunk of his missing, and that chunk’s been corrupted and all sorts of wretched things have been done to it - but he’s still him. :frowning: . I imagine with enough work, any soul can be brought back from oblivion - but it would take eons of searching and aid to do so.

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I think for me it was just the visual of him blowing up from the inside out. Many people used the word “disenchanted” to describe the way he died. It looked like a very final execution.

Agreed, but at the very least, I think Gul’dan would have snatched him up in a shard. Maybe not though.

Yeah, they can. The devs put out that if your soul dies in the shadowlands while you are tethered there, then you’re dead for real. Like Ursoc.

Basically they put out this tether rule- and using that rule, if a soul hasn’t been tethered to the shadowlands yet, and is destroyed in reality, I’m pretty sure it’s dead.

The ones that you see disintegrate right in front of you… those are destroyed souls… stygia is the residue left behind from such a soul and the Maw forces use it as currency.

I think officially souls can be utterly destroyed to the point of “It doesn’t exist anymore, and there’s no way for it to in the future.” It’s practically outright stated to be the case in the lore.

For instance, Ursoc is gone forever, and so is Rezan. NOTHING can ever bring them back into existence. There is no way for souls to ever be put back together again once they cease to exist. They simply cease to be forever.

There’s currently no reason to think otherwise, but a lot could still happen this expansion.

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The only reason I’m keepin hope is because of the questline with Uther, where we reunite him with his shattered soul.
Which…I feel could hint that there’s ways to free souls from an existence like that. You can help them build themselves back up!
Hopefully. :frowning:

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I don’t think so.

But I recently replayed BfA and they establish in the Torga quest chain that Blood magic corrupts your soul.

IIRC, they were corrupted because they were eating a loa’s flesh. Bwonsamdi says something like “you would do well to remember that”. (as if we were going to eat him or something!)


yeah, you are right, it’s the consumption of Loa flesh that corrupts a soul.

I only remembered this because I expected it to come up again, but it was a dead end and it never did.
Maybe it was just Bwonsamdi’s opinion that if trolls were out killing loa and eating their flesh for power, that it crossed a line, and he would just let them go to the maw.

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Souls for the Death Loa - Quest - World of Warcraft (
Well… Pretty much yeah

He’s also disturbed by the Blood Trolls eating Torga lol

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It would make sense though. I mean killing and “eating” your Loa is sacrilege. But I could see Bwonsamdi getting those souls to torture them like what Quetz’lun did to her followers rather than letting them go to the maw. Bwonsamdi is against the Jailer. No way he would willingly give souls to him, even if those souls committed the worst crime a troll could do.

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He probably just sticks then in ‘Bad troll jail’ in a really, really gross/awful area of De Other Side to deal with Mueh’zala or something… And I can see him being disturbed by the Maw too

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Spot on!!!

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