Does demo work at all in pvp?

So I love demo but have always played affliction. Even when demo was one shotting people back in the day with chaos wave I stayed true to aff because the spec seemed foreign to me.

My question now though, does demo even perform well in pvp instances such as rbgs or arena? I tried playing around with it the other day and the damage was laughable. Now I don’t have the legendary demo gear but I still would have thought it would do some what decent damage… But it was literally a joke. Is it really this bad or does it get better with the legendary gear?

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Yeah to a certain extent. Does really well in 2v2’s. In 3’s it’s a bit more complicated, and your healer will most likely end up having to babysit your pet.

As for a legendary, literally none of them are good. Sephuz is your best overall one.

It’s the worse of the three specs, none of which are very good.


when i first started demo, i was used to classes having good pressure and good damage all game, and its damage looked pathetic. but with regard to demo, you cant look at the overall damage meters as your barometer, but rather at the successful execution of a tyrant window, because you can and will kill in this window. the rest of your damage throughout the match will be pretty pathetic.

think of it like a fire mage with lower peaks and higher troughs, or a sub rogue with less frequent goes. its damage ebbs and flows, its not consistent.

regarding legendaries, they all basically suck at this point, i picked the 15% buff to secondary demons from primary demon to get slightly bigger tyrants, but it isnt game changing.

i can see youre an arena master so you probably know that 1.5 minute cd go windows arent ideal for combating defensive cooldowns of the meta specs, and thats kind of what you need to dance around and be mindful of. it takes a lot of practice and coordination for moderate reward


It only buffs you and your felguard. Hence why it isnt as good as sought out to be. Wish it buffed all demons would be huge for us

No warlock spec is good in pvp right now. So it doesn’t matter which spec your in.

Aff: dot dot dot, dispelled, dot dot dot dispelled.
Destro: try to cast CB, interrupted, run around doing nothing, try to cast CB, interrupted.
Demo: you have to delete 1 player within 15 seconds or its gg. After that your heal3r has to babysit your pet and most of your spells are hard casts so fall into the same storyline as destro.


oh darn i didnt know that, thanks for pointing that out. i think its really worded horribly… i feel so baited into wasting my soul ash on that lol.

side note, i think the demon bolt one is getting buffed a bit in 9.0.5 for what its worth

I’d argue that synergy is better but all suck compared to other classes legendaries.

i originally made the legendary where hand of gul’dan has a 15% chance of dropping a second one for free. Except theres no prompt to tell you it happened. No animation of the second one or dmg number popup. Just randomly get a couple extra imps. For the longest time i thought it was never working. lol

oh wow that’s a massive pain. i find it difficult to keep track of how many imps i have up nowadays, especially when kiting melee spamming condemn lol, so i wouldn’t notice a few more randomly joining the fight.

Is it really that bad trying to cast as DEMO in pvp? You can get soulshards using doom and soulstrike. Those are both instant and on very short cooldowns. Once you have the soulshards you get your dreadstalkers which gives you demonbolts. And by the time all that is done your doom and soulstrike are back up again for more soulshareds.

And this doesn’t even take into consideration the imps giving you more chances for demonbolt. All of that is instant in pvp anyhow.

And if you get locked out of your shadow school, you can always cast Hand of Guldan for more imps. It’s a “fire, shadow” school of magic so you can cast it if you are locked out of shadow when casting a fear.

Oh… and demonbolt is also in the “fire, shadow” school. So if you are locked out of shadow you can stand there trying to cast it if you think you can get a long cast like that off.

Go and make a demo lock and run him in arena and tell us how it many chances you get to cast enough to do a full set up for tyrant and not have it get stop… I’ll wait.


You don’t generate soul shards as fast as you think with doom and we typically take vile fiend in arena. That’s because he is in another school so we can fake cast with him and cast something else if we actually get kicked. Also because he increases tyrants damage. So yeah casting as demo can be tough. And to top it all off IF you get that cast off for a whopping 2-4K damage whether is guldan , shadow bolt or our Proc it all hits low. Can we get some cast off? Yes … is it difficult? Yes it can be and the damage never feels worth it.

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Ing is wrong about a lot but not this. Yes it fully is that restrictive in pvp. He speaks no falsehood or lie in that statement.

Oh and I can cast demonbolt run around the block come back, take a shower and then hop back on and I’ll still be casting that slow ability.

i really don’t think hard-casting a demon bolt is a thing outside of pre-pull on a raid boss. plus demonic core doesn’t stack fast enough from dreadstalker expiration and imp 10% proc to keep up with the damage any other class does.

sure there are periods when u dump instants, but if you watch the demo lock before that, he hardcasts to build his resources

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Woop woop I get a positive callout! Lol

The closest thing i think you can do, if you manage to pull it off (im at work currently so i cant really test as opener) Felguard stun > HoG > Power Siphon > Demon bolt (1) > dreadstalkers (instant pvp talent) > Demon bolt (2) > Felguard (for stun) > Vilefiend > Tyrant. Then pray you dont get kicked, they trinket, or LoS your window.

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problem with this is that u’ve already DR’ed your lock up before the tyrant even lands.

you need to arrange your rotation so u have axe toss, and mc, and shadowfury availible and off DR so you dont have to cross your fingers that your opponent doesn’t know to run from tyrant.

monitor your opponent’s kicks and stuns. if theyre down, vilefield into deadstalks into grimoire felguard (stun the healer so as not to dr your KT), and if opponent kicks are up and u still feel like u need to burst, same thing, but grimoire stun the KT then he either trinkets (which is good for you) or you get your tyrant cast off (use netherward before cast if healer is resto sham so u dont get sheared). then youre free to axe toss into mortal coil into shadowfury ur KT while ur tyrant lays into him. dont be afraid to get kicked on vilefiend, just toss a few shadowbolts or hand of G while waiting for fire school to come back

also, if ur playing 2s, and i know this is going to sound ridiculous, but it helps me out a bit: know rank 1 players names, they often name their characters similarly, and they start running early into your tyrant setup because they know what ur setup looks like, so in this case, its actually worthwhile not to try to setup on them and instead setup on their carry. theyre being carried because they shouldnt be at whatever rating theyre at, so chances are, they dont know the idiosyncrasies of the least played spec in the game, use that to your advantage

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I completely forgot about Diminishing Returns. I was just trying to brainstorm a potential opener for pvp. I was trying to get the most amount of minions quickly out for a tyrant setup. In reality, I’de prolly start casting HoG, get stunned, kicked then 2 shot by judgement in PvP. We definitely feel a lot squishier than what we used to.