Does Demo have access to Howl of Terror? Or is this a bug?

I’ve been leveling my warlock (Demonology) and I went Diabolist just for the theme, but one of the talent nodes is between Soul-Etched Circles or Annihilan’s Bellow.

However the latter talent option requires Howl of Terror to function and it’s saying I don’t have it. I’ve looked through my talents and I’m not even seeing Howl of Terror as an option.

Is this a bug?

its a choice node with mortal coil in the class tree

Omg :expressionless:

Well, I guess that solves that lol.

I was going crazy thinking that talent was just broken

Super lame to have such a dead hero talent tho

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Welcome to Diabolist. You are never, ever going to pick Cruelty of Kerxan over Infernal Machine, and Infernal Vitality seems to be the superior choice 99% of the time. It’s really hard to get excited over Flames of Xoroth, too.

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I feel like the Diabolic utility row is SERIOUSLY lacking compared to soul harvester.

And the Fel Dom CD reduction talent should’ve 100% been a demo talent imo


I mean in comparison with the rest of the hero trees of the other specs the utility we got in these hero trees to the others is a mix of thing you already have or just outright junk.

Well that would have just made too much sense.

Same for hellcaller, the whole satyr curse vs wall aoe is just meh at best, and the defensive options are both bad. One of them being less bad than the other ( tbh stamina reduction one isnt just bad it’s straight up a survivability nerf).