Does Blizzard truly understand how much animosity is growing underneath the surface?

That was some insane main character syndrome.

Wow players are generally kinda dumb and this forum proves it every day:


All of you are delusional if you don’t see how this is all intentional. You are not a fan to them
 you are a number to them. Fandoms are dying as a whole. But Blizzard is giving its fanbase the Disney treatment, quite literally. You have to be a moron to not see how they’re taking advantage of your nostalgic needs.

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It takes a special kind of nerd to chatgpt on wow forums in 2024.




The thought that children actually can’t conceive of someone writing more than a paragraph without AI makes me feel this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Yes? There were plenty of weeks wherein we had plenty to do and even when things settled, we still had a lot to do.

Unless you no lifed the game. Then I might understand your nonsense.

Quite fitting for you. I’d add a bit more fluff to it though.

Really good post, I hope everyone gives it a read.

For me I am not as harsh as I think there were some really cool concepts that did work in SoD and would translate well to Classic+ (some of the new abilities are straight up fun, ex living bomb).

The thing I find myself wanting more than anything is a continuation of the classic story. New quests, new areas, new dialogue, new storyline, new greater purpose for us being in the world, the “I have never done this before” feeling
you get it in small doses with BFD, Gnomer and ST re-works but it does not look like we are getting it in any sort of large dose.

When SoD is finished that is what I am going to be looking for in the next Classic product I jump into. I am not so certain another season of whatever is going to draw me in if it’s using the existing classic storyline and world as the base. SoM and SoD have already done that, now.

they will come back for 2 weeks to do the raid once, then pugs will realize how long it takes to fill groups and will quit again because the time investment of just sitting there waiting for people to apply. The pop will tank again and we will be back to this position in about a month. 10 mans were the way to go simply because of the accessibility for forming the group

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For me to ever subscribe to this again, they’ll need to not only have it feature complete, but back up that announcement with every change they have made so I can determine if they did the right things and it’s worth playing.

As it stands, the forums are the only entertainment I get from SoD. PvP and PvE is balanced for all classes here.

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Ngl, I’ve been reading the forum for the last few days and this is hella funny.

Ppl are asking for stupid sh_it and then they wonder why everything is unbalance and boring.

“they think they do but they don’t”

Only a handful amount of ppl on the forum is able to have an objective view on the game, it’s crazy. No wonder why retail is what it is


PvP will always be a mess. I wish they’d just adjust PvE dps kits to be within ~10-20% of each other.

Vanilla was fairly balanced otherwise.

Yeah it’s balanced around every aspect of the game, things that all the ppl here don’t understand.

All they look at is WCL without even understanding why the ranking is at it is.


Feature complete? What is this alien phrase?

Something I have encountered in other worlds but not in Azeroth. It is an ancient term used by The Makers but we don’t know what it means.

This level of dedication and seriousness for a version of Classic that was meant to be EXPERIMENTAL is not only insane but also objectively your fault.
No one forced you, nor others for that matter, to partake in said experimental changes for Classic. Other versions of the game cater to people with different tastes and if some people jump ship to do so, then so be it.
Also, they really didn’t owe it to anyone to put these things out.



the entitlement is strong in this one.

Organizing a guild is insane? What?

You and everyone in this thread that’s not shilling for Blizzard knows damn right well how hard they pushed this at the start. Only to be nerfed into the ground and dropped like an old toy. Get out of here with this “oh you’re so serious” crap. Organizing guilds isnt serious, its part of the game. Watching them all die due to neglect is a noble reason to sound the alarm. This is a game my dude. It went from 10/10 to dead in 2 months. People are pissed, its a reality. Despite your spin.


Not sure what you guys expect from a game company whose policy for the last two decades has been to release something new anytime player concurrents drop.

They release something new because their data shows increase in profits during periods with new content. Players flock to the new thing because it’s enough of a novelty to make them forget their prior boredom. This behavior reinforces blizzards model by giving them data that supports the idea new content will cause increase in profits.

It’s pretty insane for anyone to expect wow to become an eternal mmo open world home for the rest of time, when that is factually never been their goal. One cannot value one piece of content eternally, when they have a plan to release a new, more betterer, higher level piece of content. This is the very mechanism that breaks Wow. Every time.

Yet now is the time to come back? So we can aim our cameras around and call it ‘dragon riding?’ We can do a bunch of the same activities we’ve been doing for 20 years, with the only saving grace ALSO being the design aspect preventing any eternal value from developing.

It’s insane to think things will ever get better. You will find your eternal home on a private server hosting your preferred game version long before blizzard will ever consider what it actually means to create valuable, meaningful content. They invented FOMO zerging every quarter and people flat out ignore it, pretending like each new expansion is blizzard turning a new leaf.

It’s insane. I would rather go back to playing single player offline wirhout paying anyone, than play this slop.


You notice how they release new things more often now?

In business speak that’s because each new things isn’t bringing the same subs in that it used to.

So they keep rapidly releasing the next new thing for some quick bucks.

It’s all very transient now. They don’t want to see a steady player base as much as they want to see the spike in subs when something new releases. Yet they panic when subs go down and push something new out as quickly as possible.

Kinda sad, yeah. But bygone are the days when Blizzard wanted one game to be a player’s forever home. As long as you’re paying them something out ready to pay them next month for The New Thing they are happy.

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This is literally every MMO which has ever existed.

I agree.

Speaking for myself 
 I fell into this trap and have purchased every expansion which has offered prerelease (and was in line at the store to buy physical copies on release before they even thought about prerelease) up until the newest expansion. I’m not buying the prerelease and may or may not buy it at all.

I’ve punished myself through 1.5 years of MoP raiding, followed by WoD, etc.

There have been highs and lows, but I’m about done. Season of discovery has held my attention and continues to do so - even while I’m not playing and am patiently waiting for ph4.

To be fair 
 nothing is really stopping you but yourself on this one. :man_shrugging:t2:

Well thought out and worded response overall though.