Does Blizzard truly understand how much animosity is growing underneath the surface?

class flavored rune quests? great

chasing the dark riders halfway across the universe? sucks, especially doing it more than once


Dark Riders would work if there was other things going on where they spawned. Same issue with the other added quest chains or rune quests, there is no reason to go to the place outside of 1min to kill the thing or pick up the thing after 20mins to get there or paid summon.

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Dark riders was fine the first time even though it was a trek

but I can’t complain about dark riders when you had to hunt down books every phase lmao :open_book::open_book::open_book::open_book:

Nah they are complete delusional and convince themselves that they are God’s gift to game development who can never possibly do any wrong and any and all criticism they receive are just player toxicity because how could they possibly just legitimately not understand how to make a good game that people enjoy.

That is the average mindset of WoW devs


yes, they just dismiss valid criticism as trolls and that’s that :expressionless:


I agree not keeping some form of TBC/WotLK era servers before dipping into Cata was a massive mistake that will cost Blizz down the road.


Im just glad someone made a book tracking addon

bruh what.

I raid in the top 2 when I’m not enjoying SoD. Organizing people on the internet with structured leadership and meetings isn’t ‘too serious’. Its the BASICS. This is a 1 out of 10 on the scale of serious. The post is intended to remind this game company that there is a (growing) wide swath of players that are giga-pissed with them. I want what is best for my players above anything and if making a quick 2 minute post on forums gets your little jimmies in a rustle you can go back to whatever hole you crawled out of my dude.


The biggest issue (and joke) here is you’re holding officer meetings for raids that take 30min tops to clear.

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LOL - As if we’re talking about Sunken Temple? Lowkey we’re plotting to take over the world
look out!


This has nothing to do with the thread, but hey nice try on the troll tangent.


I feel like SoD should have, at its core, attempted to magnify what was good about classic and fix what was bad rather than try to add content for the sake of content.

They needed to mitigate try-hardism by making raids that were generally pretty easy, like they used to be.

They needed to fix glaring issues (mages come to mind, so do warriors), reduce friction between potential spontaneous social events, etc.

Instead, they’ve added weird content that is basically retail content that ever so slightly further deprives classic of the oxygen it needs to be what it organically was before the player base and even technology (warcraft logs in particular) evolved to make it substantially less fun than the original incarnation.

You need a serious product manager to think about the game and what made it good. Instead, we have weird random fan-fic stuff in the game.

Ultimately, the game needed to basically be classic with more development time. Instead, well, it sucks, to be quite frank. Like, it sucks a lot in the sense that nothing they’ve attempted has even been a slight success, and some of it has actually almost ruined the specific phase involved. Classic is still a good game, though.


Great points here.

Honestly? Looking forward to p4 and I’m sure I’ll see most of y’all there :person_shrugging:

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 when I read that comment my thought was just “Tell me that you’ve never done guild leadership in your life without telling me”. Probably the same person who thinks all guild leadership is corrupt.


I agree on this. The players have become so unwelcome to adversity in classic and only want a fast easy run. Personally I blame raid lockouts and scarcity of loot for all of this.

People don’t want to get saved to a dud lockout that can occur from any number of reasons. They also want to get geared with the best gear fast. So to safeguard their time and effort to maximize rewards while performing in a rank based environment (parsing) has lead us to the community we have today.

Sweat Lords.

Remove or lower raid lockout time and give us badge vendors for bad luck protection and gearing.

What does this mean? Like a company that hires raiders?

Yea, we’re about to go public actually. Better get in on that IPO now.

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Honestly, this is the part where we just go back to private servers tbh.


First off, I want to thank you for being a rube. This company does not owe you or these players anything and I really wish people would understand that. It’s not as cruel, as to say that they only see their player base as their paychecks and development tools because obviously there is some love put into this game as a whole.

But what I can say is that you need to frankly understand that their main goal focus is on retail and strictly retail. Cataclysm classic is just them rehashing and season of discovery, no offense, does not bring in player base because there is nothing to do outside of that game mode that earns you something in particular for retail which is where all their focus stays.

Frankly I’m always taking a back when I see content released for the classic version and I understand that you and maybe other players came back for just season of discovery but in the long run they had no intention of continuing that mode for the rest of the life cycle of the main game unless, they added a method of unlocks for retail.

Because in good faith, this is the exact reason why players are getting burnt out of classic content or not that excited for it with the same numbers as it did during launch because there’s nothing to gain other than the attempted challenge of the content at the time, but unlike retail where you are trying to constantly mid-max, once you beat illidan, once you beat the Lich king, once you beat Deathwing, well good job. What next?

This is someone entirely why I initially made a post a while ago asking what the point of season of Discovery was aside from these remixed classes or whichever and again each their own, with no tie over to retail gives me personally a reason to want to do that content but that also is not helped by playing the game for 18 years.

I personally have been playing since beta of vanilla. So all this returning backwards does not reignite the passions I had through those 18 years so I am a little biased in regards to understanding other players.

In an ironic sense of support for both you and also the game maybe it’s time to play something else. It is okay to let go and just forgo the sunk cost fallacy.