Does Blizzard plan to fix the XPOFF exploit/cheat twinks?

In many leveling brackets you will see people abusing a debuff bug where they afk a character in a dungeon to keep them in combat with a shared XPOFF debuff and not gain experience, but have 3 to 4 times the item level / HP of a character in their bracket. For example, 49s are able to get up to 154 item level gear from reputation vendors or 80-100 item level gear from SL world quests (vs 39 to 50 item level of their opponents) and then AFK in dungeons with another xpoff toon so they never level up but get to queue in the XP ON bracket.

I don’t know what the mentality of these players are and if they get any enjoyment from 1 shotting enemies with auto attacks (literally) or if they need something to boost their ego artifically or what.

I thought Blizzard separated the twink queues for a reaosn? I think Party Sync was a a great addition to the game and can be used for players who want to play as the max level of a battleground bracket, but having 3x the stats and 1-shotting with auto attacks creates sort of a bad environment. The 49 bracket is the worst for this.

Does Blizz already know about this situation? Is there a post that they confirmed an upcoming fix?

Not salty about it all, have 2700+xp in rated, but for many this just ruins the casual experience and leveling experience for newer players. 49 twinks can literally just right click on someone and kill them with any builder or even an auto attack. LOL.


The entry level ilvl vs theoretical highest obtainable ilvl in this bracket is much bigger than the other lowers. Item level is high on these pcs.
Once entering Shadowlands starting quests (48,49) it looks like Chromie Time will become inaccessible. Afaik. No more Chromie Time zoning for these chars.

Why not create some synergy between the Experience off/on NPCs and Chromie?
Interactions allow access to the zone, players will be signed up.

im making one but at 48 so i get 2 levels worth of games specific queuing and leaving early. i dont have the stomach for the covenant rep grind and would like that little loophole fixed.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like they will.

it’s been 3 (3.5?) years that this is in the game? They’re not fixing it.

Also, it isn’t necessarily against the TOS, it doesn’t give you a way to have any additional power over players.

You could be just as geared if you locked EXP the normal way, geared up, and then unlocked exp. or use the debuff and have lots of fun. probably why they haven’t fixed it yet.

Sure they are. They found a bug and they’re exploiting it to gain an unfair advantage. Defending it is asinine and it should have 100% been addressed by now.



Should be more vague about the exploit, can get in trouble for explaining how it’s done. It’s been a problem since BFA though, in different forms they slip into xp-on games, the least you can do is report them/take screenshots and submit with your ticket as well.

Abusing an exploit leads to unintended consequences, it’s completely against the TOS. You can disagree on the power advantage they have, but they are still exploiting to enter xp-on BGs with their xp locked. If they’re leveling characters and getting them geared as they level then that’s acceptable, but abusing the xp-lock feature is not.

Technically you’re not supposed to “teach” people how to abuse bugs on WoW forums.

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If anything they should just not let 49s get that ilevel?

I, for one, enjoy getting farmed by our overlord BM hunter twinks


I know of a few people that have been banned for the exploit to get into non exp off games. just report them as you see it

Aren’t you one of the bigger experience eliminated debuff abusers in the game?

They did, and they even made a blue post about it.

It’s called “significant advantage”.

Funny the game has a CoC that states.

You are responsible for how you and your account are represented in the game world. Cheating in any fashion will result in immediate action. Using third-party programs to automate any facet of the game, exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

I guess by Blizzard’s inaction we can make the assumption that they don’t consider utilizing something in an unintended manner to give significant advantage to be unfair advantage.

You’ll never know because Blizzard loves not saying anything at all, enjoy the vague responses if you ever try. :wink:

im literally 1 xp from leveling.

idk, I just know I’ve ran into you quite a bit mostly in BFA on that toon.

I don’t recall if you used the experienced eliminated debuff which is why I formed what I said in a question. But I know you’ve been on that toon for quite awhile low level while participating in xp on bgs.

After the shadowlands prepatch it put this toon 1 xp from leveling. XD

some people dont understand the concept of a twink… the whole point was BiSing the toon and obliterating people. People put in time and effort to get their toons where they are and yall wanna just ruin them. Blizz needs to stop catering to the complainers.


Inc. levelers are lazy and blah blah blah in 3,2,1…