Does Blizzard actually hear us?

Frost DK has Frost Scythe and a talent that buffs Relentless Winter (their AoE shield) to do more damage. Not to mention all of their attacks cause mobs to move slower, asphyxiate and death grip. Their battle res is also instant cast.

Enhancement Shaman is gimmicky and reliant on procs, but has Crash Lightning and Sundering for instant AoE. They also have their ankh and earth elemental for helping with large pulls/reaping packs.

Feral has Brutal Slash and Primal Wrath, one is an instant AoE and the other spreads bleeds to all in it’s range. Entangling roots is also very nice, as is the ability to stealth.

Sub is gutted completely but Shuriken Storm still hits all enemies, just doesn’t give you a combo point per enemy hit.

Arms has Warbreaker + Bladestorm, plus azerite traits to buff both to do very high burst AoE damage. Their damage is subpar on single target, but they’re still very good for burst AoE.

Fury has whirlwind weaved into the rotation, which then allows it’s single target attacks to hit a number of mobs surrounding them for reduced damage. They also have Siegebreaker (which synergizes with the Whirlwind buff) that enables them to do more damage. Dragon Roar is also nice.

Destro has Cataclysm and then rain of fire which is laughably weak. Affliction has PS and Seeds. But hey we can drop those cookies so it’s all fair!

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If you think Destro AoE is worse than something like Enha Sham, Feral and Sub, you’re just wrong. You also forgot to mention that Destro has the strongest cooldown in the game, sure their AoE may be medicore-bad without their cooldowns, but with their infernal+DSI it’s top tier easily, but then again it’s a 3 minute cooldown.

the only time destro even does DECENT aoe is with infernal. otherwise, it does nothing.

feral and enhance can do decent to great AoE without 3 minute cooldowns, and without becoming useless on the next however many pulls.

being able to pop off every 3 minutes and then being gutter trash in the downtime is like, the cornerstone reason of why aff and destro are among, if not the worst dps specs in the game for m+.


I think you meant destro there at the end but I agree.

Feral and Enhance doing great aoe. Good joke. Aff is complete garbage in any AoE situation, I can agree there. But even without Infernal, Destro isn’t gutter trash on AoE, It’s the pure single target that is extremely lacking.

The problem with PvP is that every other class has too many passive and on demand heals, and afflock doesn’t have enough burst to finish them off when they are low, before they pop their cooldowns.

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Uhhh mage is far ahead of all 3 worlock specs on m+ and PvP…

Lol imagine having two specs without aoe.

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They are still punishing us for being gods of AOE in Legion. Between seeds of corruption and that artifact power that made enemies explode when they died… :frowning:

Pretty much I’d be cool with them just killing affy till it gets retuned away from the 3min burst and then wait playstyle. 446 ilvl and not much for upgrades to look forward too I’d love to play a dif spec but if I want to see the raid kills it’s affy I’m locked into and it’s boring af.

do you not have any good destro azerite? depending on the fight youre on destro is outright better than affy is (if you would like a change of pace)

Warlocks, DKs, Shamans are among the best examples of why the “class identity” approach is a failure.