Does Blizzad care about what they did to AV

I did yesterday. Was super fun.

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why Are you queuing up for a BG that is incredibly one sided and imbalanced?

Queue for warsong if youā€™re looking for more competitive play

premades did nothing to hurt pugs.

They literally fixed the issue and itā€™s in the blue post. New games were started with 20 people queued. What does that do when Horde have 3-5 times as many people PVPing? It makes all new games start low.

Are you suggesting that the Horde pugs (which is every group ever) w/o Discord has groups full of people who care, and are working together in happy harmony?

If it took Discord to scrounge up enough likeminded players to get a game going where 30+ players cared, why do you take for granted that the Horde are just running with perfect communication with no voice comms?

I donā€™t.
Never said I did.
That is your mistaken assumption.

In that case, why should Alliance have had access to 3rd party voice comms that Horde didnā€™t?

As has been pointed out, many, many times, Horde had them too.
Many horde did not, simply because they believed it was impossible and gave up trying.
(Similar to what many Alliance are going through now. They think they canā€™t - so they canā€™t.)

But a small number of horde kept working at it, and managed to succeed in coming up with a different queuing system.
After the first fix went in, the old Alliance system did not work. But the newer, Horde system did. So the first week after the fix went in, everyone had to use the Horde method of premading.

Then that was fixed out, too.

So now many of the organized pug ā€œpremadesā€ have had to focus on their own servers, and make real premades for WSG instead. Initially painful, this, however, has some benefits as well.

But it might kill AV. Because most people are not masochistic enough to keep playing something they canā€™t win, and is not fun.

And before you jump to all kinds of wrong conclusions, I came back, joined a WSG premade - and NO we do not queue dodge. We donā€™t need to. We will play against anyone.

Hell - we play against Onslaught on our own server.

You win some you lose some.
As long as you have a decent chance to win, who cares if you lose some? If you lose, you can talk it over, figure out why, and maybe learn something new to get better. Getting better is a win in my book.

You do realize the only changes were fixes against exploits. It tells a LOT about people whining against itā€¦

Iā€™m confused why are people still grinding. If your not r12 by now and if 13 or 14 is all that matters than good luck, suffer well. You either all in to 14 day 1 or play for fun and donā€™t care about w/l cause itā€™s going to be bad.

itā€™s fixed fella.
Let it go and enjoy your life.

The classic developers are playing Hordeā€¦ Of course they think horde wining 99.2% of the time is normal.