Does Blizzad care about what they did to AV

Here’s your answer. Your faction is full of AFKers and entitled little twits who don’t want to actually work for their money.


I have yet to win an AV since the changes.

But why is that?

They did not hand a super weapon to the horde.
Horde are and have been queuing same way you are now.

Is it perhaps the 10 guys kissing the wall in the cave?
The 18 guys split between hiding in the mines or hanging with the harpies?

Which faction tag are they wearing?

Now who exactly needs to get yelled at?


im 0 for 24 as of today. I usually try to avoid AV until its literally a last resort for honor (early mornings no Wsg groups or no wpvp going on)

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Even when the allaince do try We still get beat like red headed step children. You cant deny the First person to cap the first GY forces the turtle which will be 99.9% of the time horde. Getting through a choke while being beat from the front, Being pelted with arrows from the side and having horde flank us from the rear while not being able to reinforce quickly makes for tough time. While the horde can speed up to SHGY in about the same time as us. While not being pelted by arrows and only having opposition from the front. the alliance themselves fight from a choke point that fights against us in our own GY.

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Well its been almost a week, so i doubt it as long as horde keeps paying for those subs.

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There are maybe 2 devs on classic and they get to hide behind #nochanges thanks to the community who didn’t actually remember vanilla.

Blizzard does not care about anything.

Classic was just a money grab for their investors

I wasn’t going to bother to return to this thread since I knew the Horde would still be calling out their B.S. and some wouldn’t get my points but curiosity got to me.

Ok first off, yes premades are bad. I played one whole day of them and not when they were great. When it was ruining it for Alliance I was in those pug groups. It sucked. Blizzard fixed that though. The premades found a way around that. It didn’t work as well but still got enough people together and didn’t ruin it for the pugs. Blizzard then hot fixed that. My point through all this is that it took fans to find a way to make AV fun since Blizzard will not. The whole keeping Classic as Vanilla is b.s. This isn’t Vanilla, Blizzard said they were going to fix things that were an issue and hence why it took so long to come out. That in the end was false since bugs that existed 15 years ago were still there. But since they make some changes they could at least make changes to give us a fair chance to win, hell I just want it to be fun.

I didn’t really want to list all the issues that came to the great AV imbalance but I shall list a few since the Horde don’t want to admit and still won’t after reading this, but whatever.

-Racials: It may be minor but it helps the Horde

-Map favors the Horde: again not huge but the cave distance is a big problem, hence why it changed originally

-Horde outnumbers the Alliance: this came into a problem before BGs came out. Easy for the horde to be rank 6+ before even running a BG. Outgearing a equally capable player gives you the win. I think about a third of the WSGs I have dared played in puts me up against horde premades ranked 12/13/14. The other games are still premades with a rare pug group every once in a while. Not fun.

-Botting Alliance: We can have upwards of 25% of the team either botting or AFKing once they get into an AV. Blizzard once handed out bans for this. They don’t anymore.

More problems exist but yeah there’s a few. Blizzard could help with them…but…

Good luck out there and try to enjoy that fun again like we did 15 years ago both you Horde and Alliance player alike.

Blizzard prevented coordinated AV groups from forming outside of AV. That’s it. You still have the ability to voice chat and still have the ability to zerg Drek in 6 minutes. None of the changes Blizzard made prevents this…


I have only done a handful of AV’s since the changes, and people for the most part are trying to play for the first 10 minutes or so. a full raid of 40 cannot even hold stonehearth, then the game is lost.

If by some miracle a team of alliance manages to go south and cap snowfall, or pull grummas, 15-20 horde break off to back cap.

This is because stonehearth GY is effectively the center of the map between starting locations. It is a bad map design that ONLY PERFECTLY COORDINATED GROUPS CAN OVERCOME.

And even then, my premade win ratio was something like 65%

Take that away, and the map shows its colors. You can’t blame AFKer’s much anymore because they are banning people, and those that bot are targeted by rankers and summoned to a faction lowbie zone to mass DK them.

Why pvp in classic?

blizzard cant fix bad players that rode on the coat tails of premades.thats the only thing that has changed since av launced the premades are in wsg.

you cant fix bad players.

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When half the team is either AFK, a bot, or under leveled it really ruins the game. Blizzard wont do anything about those problems but premades were a nice community way of filtering that garbage out.

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It takes time for things to catch on and click in pugs.
It is not like a premade where you me and 40 other guys/girls can keep working on perfecting something and finding our individual parts in the dance.

That’s one advantage the horde players kind of had, because from the beginning they did not have a choice, so it was kind of figure something out that works, or suck it.

ALso, ya gotta let someone lead the BG.
All the infighting just does not do anything helpful.
Get behind the person leading, and stick with what they are trying to do.

And i really strongly recommed USE the games voice coms.
Nothing wrong with them, they work fine, they dont require audiophile quality, and no one cares what your voice sounds like for more than 5 seconds.

Barring that, anyone trying to lead AV should have the raid macros we used to use back in vanilla, if you don’t have any, ask some of the long time players, many still have them.

Also, it should probably get a bit better when the 1st top ranks hit, be less people just trying to rank race, and more playing that just want to play the BG for the BG itself.
Right now, a lot of people are just looking at HpH and they dont really care if you win or lose or have a good fight, they are just looking at their HpH ratio.
(Which is why you may notice that some games magically seem to just fall apart if they run beyond a certain amount of time, losing and requeuing gives a better payout at that point)

I think there may actually be some merit to rated and unrated BGs, but vanilla did not have them.

Blizzard is hundreds of people. NONE of them watch every AV battleground. And NONE of them have the authority to modify AV any way they want “to make it better”.

So no, this is not happening.

They keep track of win and losses FYI

We need 1.5.0 AV with mines to stop these braindead strategies.

Sadly don’t see them announcing it until Blizzcon.

Im full in favor of adding crossrealm premades for both horde and alliance.

I will agree with you there.
Bring on the 1.05 revamped AV