Does blizz care about exploiters?

it’s not an exploit, get over it

I love it and the tears of your sorrows

Actually, if you read the recent blue post regarding this, they pretty much say it is and said they intend to take measures to make layering less “exploitable.”

really? if thats true then its a relief but i still think they should punish the people who exploited it in the first place, just like the xp potion exploit in bfa

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which was awesome, because a blue officially slapped the “exploit” label on it and so many people were trying to rationalize it as being legitimate.

I’m on my phone so don’t have time to find the thread and link it, but if you look in the forums here you will see where they responded in one of the layering threads. Or you can just click on the blue tracker.

If I had more time I would quote it for you.

Edited to add: I agree with you by the way about people who exploited it should be punished.

Lol, I just noticed your name. So fitting for a gnome for some reason. I like it. :slight_smile:

Would be nice to at least not be toxic…

show me where they said layering was an exploit and people were being punished. ill wait.

As much as it sucks, and I agree, they did respond that it doesn’t make much difference as some people say. Also, I do not think they will put much work into this given that layering is supposed to go away within 1 month or so after launch.

They said they were going to be applying measures to make layering “less exploitable.” They would never even say that if it wasn’t being exploited, now would they?

As far as punishments, they haven’t said anything about that yet and I never claimed they did. But many times Blizzard hands out bans a bit later after doing an investigation, like they just did. Maybe people will get punished for exploiting, maybe they won’t. Only time will tell.

But it was being exploited, just read the post again. If it wasn’t an exploit they would have said that everything was working as intended, etc. But instead they said they will be taking measures and making changes to make layering less exploitable. It’s pretty straight forward.

nope, they said they want to prevent it from being exploited. try harder to grasp what they’re actually saying. no where did they say or imply that layering was an exploit. you are simply wrong. you know what happens when you assume, right?

Ok, here it is:

Really? I’m not assuming anything. You are just trying to justify something that can’t be justified. They specifically say “we’re working on deploying some additional controls to further restrain layering from being exploitable.

They didn’t say they are deploying controls to restrain layering from being exploited, but instead say they will be deploying additional controls to further restrain it from being exploited. Notice the word further there. That word wouldn’t have been written if an exploit never existed to begin with and they wouldn’t be deploying additional controls if none were needed and exploits weren’t happening, now would they?

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further restrain laying from being exploitable. focus on that sentence and think about it. they are restrtaining layering, so that it isnt exploited. no where do they say it’s being exploited or that it’s even an exploit, that’s the illogical assumption that you made.

In case you don’t understand what the definition of further is, here you go:

“additional to what already exists or has already taken place, been done, or been accounted for.”

No. They’ve existed since Vanilla existed. People just take what blizzard says as fact. When duping was huge blizzard said it wasn’t possible and people on the forums thought they were telling the truth. Meanwhile it existed for years lol


You keep ignoring the word further in that sentence. It has a meaning. Refer to the definition below your post.

It’s an old game, why bother?

it’s clear as day what “being less exploitable” is referring to. you showed him proof with a blue clearly labeling it an exploit in a reply to a thread about layer hopping.

don’t argue with him any further, he asked you for proof and you smoked him with it. he’s just playing stupid now to cover up the embarrassment.

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Yeah, no point of going back and forth anymore with them, I agree.

It’s right there in the blue post. All that needs to be said really. I think some people just want to justify something that isn’t justifiable. If it wasn’t an exploit, Blizzard wouldn’t be taking any measures at all.