ok so to my knowledge the first lvl 60 exploited the layering system to aoe farm mobs quicker. the first guild that downed rag all abused the raid group dungeon farming xp exploit which was recently patched. many individuals abused and continue to abuse the layering system to get tons of items,gear,materials,etc from mobs or chests (like people getting multiple gurubashi arena trinkets over and over easily, by layer hopping,etc)
my question is this: does blizz not care to punish these people? because by not punishing them it sets a bad example, it shows that you can do whatever you want and ruin everyone else’s experience and gametime by basically cheating and if you want to ever have a chance to be competitive then you have to resort to cheating as well.
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Look here Layer switching is the problem, not layering itself - #20 by Pazorax-1880
Blizzard has confirmed that this is not a big issue. The screenshots people had of crazy amounts of arcane crystals were fake
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but theres popular/top streamers that are showing off how they abuse the layering system. i gave an example already of a certain streamer who showed himself getting multiple gurubashi arena trinkets by phasing to different layers within seconds.
how is that fair to have such an advantage like that over legit players who either wont resort to cheating or who jsut have no idea
Sorry i might be blind but I can’t see the name of the streamer in your post. Who is the streamer? Link If the channel please. We could make a thread especially about this and ask blizzard to take action against that player
None of that is ruining my experience and it won’t happen moving forward. We’ve already been notified that Blizzard is looking into this and nothing drastic has happened like hogging lotus or arcane crystals. They’re not going to ban people who used game mechanics to gain an advantage, only prevent that advantage moving forward. No bad example has been sent.
If I am not mistaken, this happened in beta and it was intended to demonstrate how bad the layering system was going to be.
Edit: Also it was Veruki who originally did it.
and what about the time in bfa where people were exploiting xp potions and they ended up getting banned for it. however in classic people exploit other mechanics and get no punishment at all… its not fair
Keep making separate threads about the exact same thing, that’s how to make Blizzard act. Or you could read the thread with the official response in it.
it’s not an exploit, get over it
I love it and the tears of your sorrows
Actually, if you read the recent blue post regarding this, they pretty much say it is and said they intend to take measures to make layering less “exploitable.”
really? if thats true then its a relief but i still think they should punish the people who exploited it in the first place, just like the xp potion exploit in bfa
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which was awesome, because a blue officially slapped the “exploit” label on it and so many people were trying to rationalize it as being legitimate.
I’m on my phone so don’t have time to find the thread and link it, but if you look in the forums here you will see where they responded in one of the layering threads. Or you can just click on the blue tracker.
If I had more time I would quote it for you.
Edited to add: I agree with you by the way about people who exploited it should be punished.
Lol, I just noticed your name. So fitting for a gnome for some reason. I like it. 
Would be nice to at least not be toxic…
show me where they said layering was an exploit and people were being punished. ill wait.
As much as it sucks, and I agree, they did respond that it doesn’t make much difference as some people say. Also, I do not think they will put much work into this given that layering is supposed to go away within 1 month or so after launch.
They said they were going to be applying measures to make layering “less exploitable.” They would never even say that if it wasn’t being exploited, now would they?
As far as punishments, they haven’t said anything about that yet and I never claimed they did. But many times Blizzard hands out bans a bit later after doing an investigation, like they just did. Maybe people will get punished for exploiting, maybe they won’t. Only time will tell.
But it was being exploited, just read the post again. If it wasn’t an exploit they would have said that everything was working as intended, etc. But instead they said they will be taking measures and making changes to make layering less exploitable. It’s pretty straight forward.
nope, they said they want to prevent it from being exploited. try harder to grasp what they’re actually saying. no where did they say or imply that layering was an exploit. you are simply wrong. you know what happens when you assume, right?