Does Berserker Rage break fear/sap in Classic?

I know it provides immunity, but I can’t find whether it breaks fear/sap like it does in retail.

Yes, if you are in Berserker stance prior to the CC landing on you, you can use it [Berserker Rage] and become immune to it (effectively breaking it early).

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To add to that, a lot of lets say good rogues will wait for you to go Battle Stance before using Gouge. Before switching back to battle, you can use Zerker rage then switch, baiting a failed gouge.

Of course if they’re smart they’ll wait it out then gouge.


It breaks fear and incapacitate effects. Incapacitate includes:
Rogue - Sap, Gouge
Paladin - Repentance
Druid - Maim (Sorry not Classic)
And Engineering Dark Iron Bombs, Grenades, and Goblin Rocket Helmet, as well as the Horned Viking Helmet.

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No maim in Classic, but if we get a TBC Classic, this would definitely be worth taking note :laughing:

I thought the engineering grenades and helmets counted as stuns? Thank you all for the very insightful posts, by the way!

It does say “stun” in the tooltip, but oddly enough acts as an incapacitate and any damage will break the effect. I think it used to stun back in the old day, but [Blizzard] downgraded its status to incapacitate and never modified the tooltip.

That must be very useful in PVP then, as much as I see those grenades flying around.

Thank you, just looked into it further and edited my first post to include the exact things that it breaks in Classic, as far as I know.

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Curious, does it break seduce?

No. It does not.

Proof the only emotion more potent than anger is lust.

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If only it did…sigh

damn, that’s a bummer.

Well you already do counter Warlocks fairly hard unless they’re geared, specc’d, and played properly.

Warriors -can- counter a lot of people, unless…Warriors counter nearly no one 1v1 given similar gear, skill, and proper spec. At least Warlocks at 60 and with proper gear, specc, and play, basically counter everyone. Considered the best 1v1 class in the game.__

Well the reason they don’t counter a Rogue is they can just hide and leave, but yes. That’s the downside to Warriors beyond gear dependence. On the other hand, with gear and a healer they’re monsters.

Meet your new trainer. Skip to 13:15 if you wanna see him win 1v1 against a Marshal / AQ40 geared Arms Warrior.

Notice: This is actually the 2.0.1 pre-TBC patch, but it changes little. You can also look up Mido’s earlier videos. He doesn’t shy away from Warriors.

I was a rogue in beta. Gouge has never been a stun.