Does bear fall off at late game?

Bear and DH were the top tanks at the start of the expansion. But as the game goes on, there are less and less bears on top keys while pally and warrior are on the rise to replace bears and DH. Does bear have bad scaling with gear ?

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If you need to ask this question on the forums, you don’t play anywhere near the level where class and spec remotely matters. Play what you find fun.

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Yes. Bear is not even considered a tank at anything past normal raid or a+4 key.

m+ rankings:

1st place is a prot war
2nd place is a guardian druid
3rd place is a prot pala
First DH tank is at 10th place.
First Brewmaster at 92nd place

I mean…all tanks are valid up to the highest lvl…Brewmaster might be a littel weaker than the rest but still high rating.

This is at esports skills…not sure if thats where you aim? ^^

The top bear has rerolled to be Paladin, so I think that tells you all you need to know. The rank of bear is going to plummet as everyone is moving toward Paladin. Even the top warrior (Kira) is now putting up paladin parses to push for 17s.

Sadly Bear does not have the damage to push the higher keys, and frankly the Bear talents are just generally kind of outdated and bad compared to Warrior and updated Paladin. Guardian as a tree hasnt been really touched in well over a year.

Does this effect the average player? Probably not, but it does shine a light how Blizzard ignores certain classes for too long then suddenly over buffs them.


Minor correction but second place is a paladin, and the Bear that is currently in third place has stopped playing Bear in favor of Paladin. Since that Chinese player was really the only top performing Bear, I expect to see a sharp cliff for Bear rankings.

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It should tell you you’re a lemming if you think what is happening at that level has any impact whatsoever on your 10 keys. You’re also a lemming if you’re just now realizing the people at the tipppy top of the meta switch classes constantly based on current tuning. Bear didn’t suddenly become bad, paladin received buffs, buffs that most people can’t even utilize because they play poorly.

The simple truth that most posters here don’t want to face is that the overwhelming majority of forum posters could run keys with half their gear missing and it wouldn’t matter if they simply played well.

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It’s not that bear is bad or not tanky, its that other tanks just offer far more to a group. Bear brings Mark of the Wild, a brez, and occasional spot heals with Dream of Cenarius. Additionally their dmg is kinda meh, the current best build of Thorns of Iron and ironfur spam does not lend itself well to AOE. In comparison Pallies bring constant interrupts, a brez, better emergency heals for group, and better dmg. I could go on to detail what all the other tanks bring that bear doesn’t, but instead ill just say this: If you wanna play bear, play bear, it doesn’t fall off and is perfectly fine in any achievable key level in the hands of a decent player.


You named it rightly. So many players are chasing the top spots they’ll never reach and believe anything not played by the top players is trash.

Yes, it does fall off. Exacerbated by the fact that because it is defensively weak in comparison to both Prots, you have to spec into only defensive talents, meaning you can’t take some of the old utility people used to know and love like your off-healing talents. Meanwhile Prot Paladin is allowed to keep things like Freedom, BoP, Spellwarding, Sacrifice and LoH. One class is allowed to keep their utility that they are known for while the other was relegated to dedicating their entire tree to live at all.

Yes, we fall off because it takes us a while to get defensive’s going on a pull. I can take a LOT of initial damage when I’m waiting on cool downs and IRONFUR is starting from none. I’ve run into a group of NPC’s and watched my health cut in half almost instantly, even the save your rear end cool downs have to pop.

Our DPS is very MEH in comparison.

I love my druid anyways. I just quit doing M+

go full mastery > crit brew. (your talent revolves around critting + 100% chance dodge)

buff your monk with high quality alcohol and then buff yourself with /console ffxGlow 0

:clown_face: its broken

alex jones said u are all socially engineered to follow icy-viens thats controlled by top raiding guild to keep you at the bottom of the barrel. you read > u get funneled into controlled direction > while keeping themselves ahead at all times. lelz.

4/10 post. Vaguely coherent out of the gate, large relative drop-off in articulation and coherency in the finish. Odd aftertaste.