Does Arthas deserve a "happy" ending?

I don’t have anyone on ignore.

I do, however, have a few people on my mental “Do not engage; it won’t go anywhere productive” list.

And in general, I’m pretty discriminating about what I dive into (despite evidence to the contrary). I’m only really interested in low stakes, some back and forth, and the bickering MOSTLY being good natured and not too much mud slinging. But if it’s a dumpster fire, I’m not going in there unless someone pays me.

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Thanks for posting that it is eye opening on the elements of Arthas’ inner thoughts that the game didn’t explore.
I still don’t understand how he could argue that he was so utterly evil before the sword that it should reflect on his actions in the future.

But the lore is clear that he was the reason that the Lichking didn’t invade the rest of Azeroth.

The only real argument he has is an obscure interview with a developer. And well I guess that replaces all the pre-established story. So Yey!

I don’t think Arthas deserves the Maw. Worse people than him got sent to Revendreth and that’s where he should be sent.

I’m not even going to try and argue Stratholme. That was a damned if you, damned if you don’t situation. However, one thing definitely stands out to me, one event that points to his fall from grace.

The moment he hired local mercenaries and had them burn his ships. When his troops returned, Arthas told them the mercs did it and ordered his troops to murder the mercs. That is straight up evil. Period. And that was before he found Frostmourne.


I don’t put people on ignore either. I just think it’s a bit childish. Everyone’s voice matters in a discussion, and completely removing someone from a conversation completely cuts you off from that person’s thoughts. Multiple view points is important when debating, even if you disagree with what they have to say.


I don’t think either of these are accurate to Sylvanas’ characterization, given that even at the end of Shadows Rising Saurfang’s voice was still echoing in and haunting Sylvanas’ mind and reminding her of her constant failures.

Not sure she learned this lesson, given she made the same mistake with Malfurion.

Thank you for acknowledging Sylvanas’ intention to commit genocide all along.

I think the sense of impulsivity came from Sylvanas feeling forced to move her timeframe up earlier than she has scheduled and had to hope her plans would still play out the way she wanted.


See that’s the thing that is the most humanizing even in Banshee Sylvanas. She prides herself in victory, but even Nathanos states at the start of his chapters, that Sylvanas’s “victories” are in large part because she retreats. “There’s no shame in retreat”

From a war perspective we treat retreating as cowardice, Saurfang treated retreating as cowardice, his plan was to go out guns blazing dying in glorious sacrifice. To say Saurfang and Sylvanas are exact opposites in battle is fair. She plays cat and mouse, even with Arthas in WC3.

I think that’s the nature of nuance. She “wins” but to win she has to be a coward…and she’s known as “the Sister of Courage” in the new fairytales book, I want to see that explored in the new Sylvanas novel, because it seems like her moto was always was to retreat.

But this is just my interpretation.


But there’s a difference between disagreeing with someone, and having someone repeatedly insult or belittle you. Why subject yourself to that?

Then there are people who you can disagree with respectfully, those who can get angry, but have a valid perspective, and people who are effectively the flat earthers of wow.

I don’t see how it’s childish to ignore those people.


To make a long discussion short: No.


Spoilers From these voice lines, it seems like Arthas is evil.


There’s is zero evidence to suggest that that is Prince Arthas speaking. It’s pretty obvious through the encounter that it’s the Lich King aka the corrupted part of his soul.


Arthas and the lich king are one and the same


That dialogue came out a bit ago. He’s probably going to be permadead in the Raid. The question of what he deserves seems irrelevant.


It sounds like that to me, the chiding Sylvanas for giving up, part of me thinks they are going to push the angle that she never really escaped him until now and she’ll finally get her justice.


Ya know - Arthas and Odyn are the Characters I really hate the most. I find them pretty despicable.

It feels kinda good to face Odyn’s personality in SoD through his Eye. And it feels good to know we will face Arthas through his “remnant” - even if it isn’t the full revenge I want for Sylvanas and Helya.

I feel good about facing a sliver of those jerks.

Meanwhile, Sylvanas haters seem to demand nothing short of some sadistic fantasy.

I would like to see Arthas and Odyn punished by my hand. I don’t know if that will happen. But I think it’s cool of Blizzard to let us have a crack at them.


Again, in a perfect world, Arthas would be judged by Sylvanas.

And Sylvanas would be judged by Delaryn (I would also accept Koltira or Derek).

I want Sylvanas to be judged by the friends and families of every Night Elf who was not only sent to the Maw but had their souls obliterated or twisted beyond saving. I want the judgement to be complete and utter obliteration. Arthas may have done a lot of evil crap but as far as I know he wasn’t responsible for the obliteration of souls like Sylvanas was.

And no, I’m not talking about any soul split BS, Sylvanas is Sylvanas, Banshee Sylvanas, Ranger General Sylvanas I don’t care what stupid a%^ retcon they are trying to pull, I want this badly written, Mary Sue, 10000D chess grandmaster memoryholed out of the Warcraft franchise ASAP.

I hate plenty of characters, both in the Warcraft franchise and in other franchises but when I say hate I mean more “Gah, this character makes me emotionally invested because they are so evil, I want to see more of them so they get their comeuppance”. Garrosh is one of those characters.

Sylvanas, is not one of those characters. If Blizzard came out with a statement that said,“We had plans to involve Sylvanas in the next 14 Warcraft expansions front and centre, but someone spilled coffee on the memory disk we stored all her data on so now we have to just say she fell off the side of Oribos and got lost forever in the in-between or something and no-one has see her again” I’d be THRILLED.

When I have to ENDURE a story involving Sylvanas I want to get through it as fast as possible so I don’t have to suffer her narrative destroying character any longer.

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Sylvanas is here to stay. And there is nothing you can do against it. Sylvanas rules. Accept that and move on.

thats not judgment…thats retribution and vengeance. The very opposite of justice.


That poster wants over-the-top torture a lot.


It’s kinda gross