That’s fair.
I’m not sure I like the idea of a soul, even Arthas, being in the Maw with special attention from the Jailer being sent to Revendreth. Either he suffered enough in the Maw and it changed him or he can’t be saved. There’s no way Revendreth can touch the horrors of the Maw and the things Arthas most likely went through already and putting him through even more torture to “atone” feels wrong.
I feel like he either deserves to have his soul destroyed to finally find peace or he gets a special afterlife where he just exists by himself, maybe with his memories, purely because his soul is a special case at this point.
Which is why he should be sent to Bastion.
Souls naturally drawn to service are sent here by the Arbiter to examine their lives, cleanse themselves of their burdens, and work toward a state of virtue so they might ascend to serve the Shadowlands
It would be wrong to send him anywhere else or to give him a free pass. The Venthyr are not just torture… atonement is a process… and in Arthas’ case most likely a very long one.
Maybe once he’s past that point, he might be considered for Bastion.
Arthas wasn’t naturally drawn to service though. He defied his superior paladin (Uther), murdered his dad-king, betrayed the Burning Legion, and served only himself. Even with the Jailer retcon, he’s defied service.
Arthas for the most part, had little regrets in what he was doing. We know there was a tiny sliver of his good self holding the scourge back, but this is a dude who,ultimately, wanted to unite Azeroth in undeath.
Bastion isn’t for him. I can see MAYBE maldraxxus
Arthas was definitely naturally drawn to service.
He was so drawn to service so much in fact, that it was one of the main aspects of him that got corrupted once he became the Lich King.
He dedicated his life to the service of his people, no matter what it took.
He then dedicated his being to the service of the planet, but in a way that required blanketing the planet in undeath to protect it.
This is false, and is proven in the cinematic and in Chronicles.
He had regrets once he came back to his senses.
Bastion 100% suits him, especially to purge him of his sins.
I can also see Maldraxxus though, to continue serving to protect others from outside forces.
Yeah, one of the underlying faults Arthas had for most of his life was that he chafed at authority; people defying him or telling him what to do always set him off, and being expected to fulfill the duties of a prince since birth had just made him good at internalizing it all.
Heck, his overthrowing of Ner’zhul within his own psyche basically boiled down to “nobody gets to tell me what to do.”
Even his service to his own people turned into deceiving and manipulating them when it came in conflict with him getting to do things his way.
He also quickly dropped that shenanigan in favor of dedicating himself to beating up Mal’ganis. His dedication to “serving his people” led him to murdering those people because he couldn’t be bothered to listen to Uther or Jaina, and then again when the Lich King told him it’d be a good plan.
What devotion he might have to serving others takes a massive back seat to his big sin; pride. He listened to nobody but himself, served himself above all others, and believed his ends justified any means.
Verdict: Revendreth.
Oh yeah, Bastion never specified that the service had to be noble, didn’t it? Someone could theoretically serve their homeland in its goal of world domination, and end up in Bastion, right?
More like Maldraxxus
its blizzard though. there is the problem.
they WILL stuff up because it is them.
looks at everything else as proof
lizzard boretainment has no idea due to cluess ‘get gud’ ion/ho can’t even get good making a effective game. lol. sad
and tells others to ‘get gud’ … lol k clueless money stealer
as for nobby boredick, why is he even still there? pretty much a murder in my eyes.
Well Arthas’ soul was claimed in whole by Frostmourne, it wasnt fractured like those it slayed. So that soul gem should be all of Arthas.
You would end up in Revendreth. The ends do not justify the means when it comes to measuring your soul’s sins.
Well I would have hated to see that. The man who violated Sylvanas should not be the one to have restored her. That would be quite disgusting.
I don’t know about that.
For one thing, Arthas actually used the blade to slay Sylvanas and Uther. As much as I would have liked to have seen Arthas die on his own sword at any point in his miserable life - he didn’t. He had to be taken out.
He definitely deserves a proper ‘go’ by the new Arbiter, for sure. That’s not necessarily a happy ending, but if this does happen I feel that people would think it would “”“redeem”"" him. Of course, the people who think this are toads, but still. He’d be shipped off to Revendreth.
For the sake of accuracy he should have 4. One sliver of his soul (his Paladin like personality) was in Frostmourne, his childlike innocence went to the Maw apparently when evil LK Arthas stabbed it, Arthas himself, and then evil LK Arthas when the helm shattered presumably. Though I suppose these first three probably condensed into the Arthas thrown into the Maw due to Frostmourne shattering and Arthas dying joining his child like humanity there as well likely (the “Arthas” thrown into the Maw by Uther is an adult), with the evil LK Arthas being the one Zovaal shoved into Kingsmourne.
We absolutely should rescue the coalesced better half of Arthas’ soul if that’s how it’s reconfigured, and even if it isn’t and what’s in Kingsmourne is his whole soul we should still free him from the Maw and allow his rehabilitation into a better person in Revendreth/Bastion or even both. Afterall, Frostmourne did far more to his mind and soul than it did even to Sylvanas and Uthers’…
I could be wrong, but I think Mourneblades only shatter the souls of the people it kills. Theoretically Arthas entire soul should’ve been inside Frostmourne. Since the blade Stole it.
Well that depends, for example his mentioned childlike humanity was stabbed like Ner’zhul and Ner’zhul went to the Shadowlands, I presume this is why when Sylvanas dies in Edge of Night she sees a crying Arthas there represented by a child version of himself, because that’s where Forstmourne sent the soul sliver representing his humanity (though obviously at that point Arthas Arthas was already dead at Icecrown, so that would have been Arthas after Uther threw him in reunited with his humanity, along with the sliver in Frostmourne). With those three reunited as a single entity, that left only Arthas’ LK dark echo in the Helm of Domination, which likely also went to SL and the Maw recently? What is where is probably one of the reasons they don’t wanna use Arthas, his soul is a MESS.
Little bit of him here, little bit of him waaaay over there, bits and pieces of Arthas everywhere.
Sadly yeah. But judging by the Anduin encounter? It appears blizz is going with a There’s just the Lich King Arthas and forgetting the mess they made with his soul.
Again, I could be wrong. It’s a headache trying to figure out, since SL really made a mess of things with the old lore
Temel says: I name Inquisitor Stelia her true name… ZILL’KEE THE WORLD REAPER!
“Who created suffering in order to study it.”
“Who documented suffering without attempting to stop it.”
“Whose perfect toxins desolated entire species.”
“Who wiped out entire worlds.”
“Who murdered countless in pursuit of knowledge.”
“Who treated others as expendable.”
“Who understood death, but did not appreciate it.”
“Who unleashed unstoppable plagues.”