Other than UI and ordering system needing some tweaks, I really like it.
While that may have been your perception, that was never really the case on the majority of the impactful crafts. If you were speccing early into what people wanted, then there was no difference between you and someone who dirt farmed on those crafts. They were definitely able to get ahead and diversify, but with Lariat being the dominant embellishment and crafted gear only being 418 max, the diversity wasn’t as big a slingshot for goldmaking as you probably thought it was.
Maybe it’s more a reflection of my disappointment in sharing this game with the kinds of people who like it this way.
No, I don’t like the new crafting system. It was much better before. Is there any chance of going back to that?
The devs already said they’re very happy with the majority of it, and they’re keeping it going forward
Cmon, that was a whole year ago, it does not matter anymore these days, no point even mentioning today.
Sounds like I’m done with professions going forward then.
It’s why public orders got spammed out of being available. So you are mistaken. Once it equalized it was too late. Public orders were non-existent.
Public orders are still around and kicking. i just did 4 today on blacksmithing. Plus every season people either need to craft new things BiS embellishments or upgrade the pieces they already made.
At least on all the servers I play on so far.
I think it could use some work, but as a first try, yeah I think it’s great.
The order system is a complete failure for making gold I’ll admit, at least on my low pop server. There’s some pretty well established economic ideas (like anchoring) they clearly didn’t know about or take into account when putting the order system together, and calling the fee a “tip” was just plain stupid.
But that’s assuming they wanted crafters to make gold-- I think much of the state of the WoW economy in DF is an (unintentional) overreaction to Blizzard’s discomfort with how much IRL money it took to be competitive in the RWF in SL.
I also think it took way too long to get everything maxed out. I get that they thought it would be cool to get players to specialize, and put all their limited points in one specific crafting tree, and depend on the whole community for the various bits needed for the best crafted gear. I don’t know if it worked out that way (again, low pop server), but at this point I’m bored and annoyed that almost 2 years in I still need 20 pts in LW, and my scribe somehow hasn’t hit 100 skill yet.
But just as a system for making gear, I think it’s great. I love the wide variety of gear we can make, I love how completely customizable it is, I love how crafted gear is actually relevant (which hasn’t been the case most expansions), I really appreciate that it’s upgradeable tier after tier. I love that I can make respectable or even BiS gear for any slot for every toon I play, and that wouldn’t be possible without the order system, or at least not as long as they keep high end gear BoP.
But of course if you don’t have every profession maxed out on your own alts or within your guild, I can see how you wouldn’t get as much out of it.
I liked it for gathering profs but crafting not so much, it wouldn’t be so bad but being unable to get to 100 skill till way late because i used my points “wrong” shouldn’t be a thing.
It’s basically a license to print gold on high pop servers for anyone willing to put in the time. There’s not really a good solution for low pop server economies other than merging them again, or blizzard would have done it years ago. On some level, that’s just what you have to accept when you play on a lower population server, that economic opportunities are going to be more limited, and you have to decide if that downside is worth the benefits.
Everyone always screams for cross server work orders, but never take into account that there aren’t good ingame systems for finding them cross server. Trade chat is server specific. Communities aren’t exactly low friction or noob friendly, and neither is discord. I doubt they would want the optimal strategy would be “log on area52 to look for a crafter even though you’re on blackrock” or “wait for a cross server crafter to rotate their advertising account to your server.” Region-wide trade chat would be an unmitigated disaster 10x the crapshow that the general discussion forums are, and any sort of “Crafter finder” system at the table is just public orders with extra steps.
It’s not called a tip anywhere in game as far as I know, just a commission. That’s just player driven terminology. I do agree it’s moderately stupid to call it a tip for anything you have a set price on, and I tried to stick with commission as long as I could until I got one guy who was obviously having a bad day and sent me an all caps rant about how it’s a tip and he wouldn’t be paying me a cent, and decided that it wasn’t worth sticking to my guns on the naming.
I’m not sure how your realm population has anything to do with knowledge gain, other than maybe not having access to a treatise crafter. LW is 750 points, so let’s take a conservative 100 points off that from first crafts and rep vendors, and we need 650 points from weekly gains or dragon shards. Without treatises it’s 14 points a week, so that would take you 47 weeks assuming you didn’t get a single dragon shard all expansion, if you had kept up with your weeklies. We’re 57 weeks into the expac, so you should have been done ~10 weeks ago.
Everyone always screams for cross server work orders
Tell a GM if you see me doing that, it’ll mean my account got hacked. I’m on a low pop server because that’s where my friends are, and that’s what’s important, right Blizz? I’ve been vaguely annoyed for a while because the big AH and crafting changes of the past few years have had nothing but downside on my server, at least as far as making gold goes. That we’ve been left out of all the fun is a simple fact, not a request for advice. Cross server work orders had never even occurred to me.
It’s not called a tip anywhere in game as far as I know, just a commission.
My bad, you’re right! I think even the devs have been saying “tip” so universally I didn’t even notice that’s not what the window says. I won’t complain about “tips” again, will still complain about the teenage boys who think they shouldn’t have to pay for crafting because they just watched Reservoir Dogs.
I’m not sure how your realm population has anything to do with knowledge gain
I’m… not sure of that either! What I said was I don’t know if the community crafting plan worked out because I’m on a low pop server.
I’ve got every profession maxed out except LW, including a couple of pure gatherers. And fishing and cooking, while we’re at it. Yeah, I probably didn’t get to the Darkmoon Faire on all 10 of my 70s every single month, but should it really require that?? I’ve done a lot. I’ve done the crafting, gathering, and order quests every week. I’ve done Darkmoon when I can. I’ve made almost all the recipes for the first craft point whether I needed the thing or not. All I’m saying is, this far into the expansion, that should’ve been enough long ago, even if I did miss an opportunity for a point here or there!
It’s not like I can’t make anything I want by now, I just think working on filling up the same bar for nearly a whole expansion is a drag. I’m over it. Finishing a profession is just a relief that I don’t have to deal with it anymore, when it should be a triumph. It doesn’t even help my crafting, because I did the important stuff first. There’s not even an achievement! The trees should’ve been broken up by patch, or something.
If you really want to just knock off those last 20 points in LW, nab your 4 least used alts and they each will probably still have access to the 5 free sparks from season one (it’s a quest reward, account wide unlock if they never started it). figure out your cheapest LW craft and buy the cheapest mats you need to craft 20 of them. Then have your alts send 5 personal orders to your LW to make that craft using the old season 1 sparks.
I’m not saying it is an optimal solution, but it works and can just close out having to worry about it. You can do similar with inscription with some of your other alts. You can even used any unused season 2 sparks.
And if you don’t have any Season 2 Sparks you can still collect them in addition to the Season 3 Sparks. The catch-up mechanic for them continues to work too.
Overall I like it. I work on all of my profs on all 13 70s and so far I have 10 professions maxed for skill & knowledge, and the rest are quickly catching up. Can’t wait for them to be done just so I can do some other things I would like to do in game like pet battles.
The professions system is created to sell token another super idea from the devs
The system is complete garbage.
A. The 3 Tier Mat quality make no impact on the quality of the gear made, meaning you can use T1 mats to create a R5 item. ( Should require T3 mats to make sense.) Prices for Mats are all over the board T1 cost a ton , T2 cost are Avg , T3 are cheap.
B. This whole BOP Materal / Gear System needs to go. Make Mats BoA or BoE so we can either ( For those without the needs for these Mats to be sold or traded between Players or Our Alts that can use them )
C. The order system should work in 2 ways, 1. A player who needs something made if they provide no mats should allow the person crafting it with their mats to set the price of the commsion. They can either agree to pay it or decline. 50g for no mats to get a R5 item made is insulting 2. If you lets say have the mats to create an item with with your mats. You should be allowed to post a crafted order with the system and set the commsion price just like you would for the AH. Effectively allowing Crafters with a ton of mats to you know CRAFT THINGS TO SELL!? Werid I know.
D. Knowledge points are bad - Plan and simple if you drop or are just learning a new profession it will take you months to farm out all the knowledge pts to be effective in making any high quality items. Either for yourself or others. 1. Idea for fixing this Allow the knowledge pts to go into your currency tab if you unlearn the profession allowing you to have stock pile ready to place into your knew profession right away. This could also server as a respec option for those who want to replace points in a different path.
Just go back to the level 60 way of crafting gear, Have a set skill 1/100. Learnable patterns either from Trainers/Rep/Quests/World Drops. All Mats are 1 Rank and all Special Mats Are BoA or BOE. Set all Crafted Items to be BoE So they are sellable or Sendable to friends or Alts.
This new system over complicates such a simple way to allow crafting in the game. I hope they trash this system in War Within and stop adding all these hidden % and unseen RNG proc and stats that you need to do a headstand to make sure you craft 100% Rank 5 all the time. Plus this will clean up trade chat from all those profession spammers on high pops.
But that is my 2 cents lol.
This is verifiably false.
99% of materials are already BOE
That’s how the system already works?
You can have the exact same skill in a single item as a fully maxed crafter in a week or 2. It only takes time to diversify your portfolio, but if you want to do a specific item, it’s pretty easy to do.
If you skill level in the profession is high enough you do NOT need max quality items to get R5
So not all? i.e. Expulsom and other BOP Crafted required mats.
No, the crafter has no option to raise the fee for the service they provide.
And for a new Alt or player with no mettle starting fresh on a new profession? With No rep? Your time line accounts for a player thats already grinded the content and even then who want to spend all that time farming something they already did once.
I’m not goin to sit here for another hour debating this system. It has a ton of flaws and people have yes made tons of gold with it. But, I find this system only work if you have knowledge before hand like beta players and stuff that have used the system before hand and know excactly what will be the Hot items and how to rush to get them asap.
This system is not causal friendly at all.