Does anyone else hate Vilefiend?

Blizzard: “We heard you didn’t like vilefiends, so here are charhounds instead.”
Me: “I’m okay with that.”

I like the charhound alot specifically because its a rather large demon summon with considerable uptime. Though it feels like the Charhound is doing more single target damage than the Gloomhound based off my tests, bit weird.

Also what is GFG?

Edit: Just realized that GFG is Grimoire Felguard. Yeah that talent needs a vilefiend treatment thats for sure.

To be fair all the Demo stuff lines up really well. Every 30 seconds, Vilefiend. Every minute, Vilefiend + Tyrant. Every 2 minutes, Vilefiend + GFG + Tyrant. That said if GFG isn’t used I certainly won’t be upset about it.

I’ve seen this take before (it may have been from you actually) but I’m curious about it. If you never took Implosion that pretty obviously means you’re not super concerned with minmaxing (which is totally ok!). So why can’t you take Implosion and just leave it off your bars and never press it?

Honestly I kind of just assumed it was a key-vital part of the role with Demonology now as of pre-patch, but it turns out it wasn’t as much as a big deal as I thought it was (at least for single target). :person_shrugging:

As for aoe, it very much makes a huge difference; whether or not you’re minmaxing.

Tale as old as time

Happens every expansion. They really like overhauling demo every single expansion for some reason.

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Legit. :joy:
Wonder how it’ll change or progress as the expansion proceeds onward … :thinking:

They do seem to have some vision for the spec that clashes with the way most people want to play it. Namely they want us hard casting a lot with not a lot of demonic cores. They also seem to be a little gun shy about their tyrant design post DeCon, but to me it seems the answer to that problem was always to remove PI as an external.

I never really cared about a huge variety of demons, I just want a big boi tyrant with a sea of imps and dogs chomping.


Exactly! I neverrrrrr like it either! Make it a permanent pet or at least instant cast or proc summon during drain life which leeches and heals the warlock like a Death Knight worms.

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They can use it as a healing leech pet for Demonology!

Exactly! Warlocks shouldn’t be punished for using one without the other!

I mean the only vision I get from the devs is that they want warlock as class to be a heavy turret caster.

Especially with them trying to feed us so much shadow bolt damage, that is starting to annoy just how much casting we have to do to get out our damage.

And it seems like they want to do away with instant cores as well.

Where as our survivability is almost the same as every other dps except they have isntant procs back to back and a hefty amount of mobility st now have on par survivability to a warlock.


It is a serious uptime cesspool of inactivity. Cast it and watch it, or its higher form brethren, slow walk to get in range for a leap attack, then watch it sit there for 2 seconds and leap (and if you are in pvp, you can simply move and not be hit) - in pve, if the tank kites the mob, the fiend will mis or chase after the mob again, ignoring all other commands to select a new target. Its is seriously the most broken realization of a class FINAL tier power to ever come from Blizzard.

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It will be right in season 3, until then, you may as well go play shadow priest as it is a dev favorite class atm

It’s been a while since I played anything but lock. I’m seriously considering a shadow priest this first season. I would say fire mage if they hadn’t gone back to funneling all the aoe to flamestrike.

This iteration of demo just really isn’t clicking with me.

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These are not comments of hyperbole, they are gameplay facts from alpha, beta, and prepatch playtesting my most favorite class to one i will not play again… for a long while:

[quote=“Eìsenhorn-guldan, post:33, topic:1910374”]
It is a serious uptime cesspool of inactivity. Cast it and watch it, or its higher form brethren, slow walk to get in range for a leap attack, then watch it sit there for 2 seconds and leap (and if you are in pvp, you can simply move and not be hit) - in pve, if the tank kites the mob, the fiend will mis or chase after the mob again, ignoring all other commands to select a new target. Its is seriously the most broken realization of a class FINAL tier power to ever come from Blizzard.

I’m convinced they made it like this so that if they ever want to buff vilefiend they can just reduce the animation time without changing any numbers

Shadowpriests are kind of lacking in aoe at the moment in comparison to other classes.
When shadow-crash & void-eruption are on CD, it’s kind of awkward lol

Although I’ve noticed Frost DKs absolutely dominating in damage from the pass few raids & M+ dungeons I’ve been doing lately since pre-patch :scream:

:person_shrugging: Also, Destro warlocks still feel alright.

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I just now dropped everything vile field, shored up my fel guard and imps with Grimoire felguard and have simply ignored all the blizzard tweaks to amp up like a season 3 DF warlock… Still no buffs but if i have to wait 3=5 business days for a final tier pet to attack, which is 100% the case of char hounds and vilefiends, its not worth choosing… I PVP and this vilefiend is useless above 1200 mrm, it will only kill scrubs or pve LFR trash

I’d say the core thing Blizzard should focus on is the playstyle of the class – as in how it feels to play & weave / rotation etc :person_shrugging: The scaling can always come later.

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