I do because i can actually pvp
spending hours to find a team then they leave after 1 game is not fun
Side note: be nice to your healers in shuffle
I do because i can actually pvp
spending hours to find a team then they leave after 1 game is not fun
Side note: be nice to your healers in shuffle
Doesnt matter if i like it everyone I know already quit cause they made the game a freak show.
nah, dude… that’s a willfully ignorant comment caused by frustration lol
we bring a decent amount of utility as Arms, and a lot of Zug-power as fury. intervene, parry, AoE fear break, sharpen, banner (lol jk banner is trash), AoE fear, etc…
The REAL issue is that we bring a lot of little things to the table, but we don’t seem to excel at any of it. Jack of all trades but a master of none kinda sh*t.
Anything a warrior can do, another class can do better. Like that old idea of the “hybrid tax”… Hybrid classes/specs can do anything, but its a watered down version of it. That’s kinda where warriors are right now.
Yeeted, meaning quickly/forcefully thrown or tossed.
In this context I think he means banned or kicked out.
nah, dude… that’s a willfully ignorant comment caused by frustration lol
Have you been near the 2400s to see the constant flood of caster lobbies? Ret-hpal lobbies and bm mage lobbies? Ouch i didnt think so. Its not a frustration comment its the truth. You extend, you die, you play heavy defense, you die. 2100s has a mix of everything including double warrior lobbies since 1950 is starting mmr and 1 win puts you in 2ks but near 2400 is nothing but a massive influx of meta classes that exist to make warriors lives utterly miserable
The REAL issue is that we bring a lot of little things to the table
Literally a tldr of what i said
Too many trolls. DPS that purposely don’t use defensives on your team or run behind a pillar and die and then play like gladiators on the other team.
It’s a format for trolls. Also the long queues for DPS are also trolling
To play devil’s advocate: they may be their first games of the day and playing kinda rusty until games 2 or 3, and theres several classes that can’t use their defensives in stuns/silences. There’s been lots of times I’ve been taken 60%-0% in like 1.5-2sec, which is basically 1 global, so you trinket->ded if you’re DR stunned after or something. Healers have to be able to recognize these situations as well
Too many trolls.
Playing poorly isn’t really trolling. Like, kind of, but not really.
Well true but not always the case. Also stopped playing it because healer mmr is broken and the matchmaking is also broken. Get paired with healers with way low mmr and go 4-2 barely get any points. Get paired with a healer higher in mmr and go 3-3 and you get more points.
Really comes down to luck but it is frustrating to work your butt off and not get anything. At least in s1 you could go 3-3 and even lose mmr
Idk, it didn’t feel like luck to me. If you play consistently better and win more than you lose, you’ll go up in rating over the long run. I def felt hard stuck at times on both my hpal and rdruid, but at the end of the day I just had to play better and win more games.
Healer MMR is kind of deflated relative to DPS, but I don’t think that means healers can’t climb or can’t gain rating. Some games will be L’s because people throw, but thems just the breaks, you gotta be able to get over it quickly and evaluate the things you control and can do better, rather than worrying about mistakes everyone else might have made
DPS that purposely don’t use defensives on your team or run behind a pillar and die and then play like gladiators on the other team.
Other peoples perspective is always interesting to me… In my experience “as a dps” it’s usually a healer struggling in some way. Either way… the real stress, imo, is when you have to face the guy potentially going 0-6 for the last match… I always get this little thought in my head “this is the game he wins”. heh.
Well it’s like that as a healer too. You go 0-3 with a DPS and then switch teams and it’s a lot of mental to then win 3 in a row just to go even
But a lot of times they can turn it around and steal a game or 2. If you just trash them and they get all flustered/tilted, those chances drop considerably
People get overconfident and get knowledge checked constantly. Like you never know you have to get out of the spriests ball that follows you until it hits you for 1.5M and kills you in a sec.
Ive also had games where I lost because someone just didnt press their buttons and it sucks but nobody is perfect. This is why they throw with you snd next game they learn and play better against you. Is not always wintraders or actual griefers
efx too
I enjoy playing it, but there’s so many throwers and derankers that I’m really starting to not care. Next season I’ve decided I’ll casually get gladiator. This one feels almost dead because of the smurfing and derankers.
I personally prefer solo shuffle over any other bracket simply because I can play by myself without having to search constantly for arena partners to play with. I just wish they would add a glad mount for shuffle.
Can you please explain how the end of the season is going to be inflated? Do you legitimately believe this? I’m not trolling, I’m just wondering how you came to think that the end of the season will be inflated that’s all. Do you think it’s because of people’s alts or what?
More people will start playing when the end of the season is announced, pushing to top end higher. There’s always a burst of activity at the end of seasons
I surely hope so because that would be cool. The game feels weird and halfway dead now