Does anybody like time limits in M+?

I like m+ I don’t think the timer will ever be removed and I’d prefer it like that

Same. Reading through the threads it looks like more people like time limits but he also has a point with the likes.

lol now theres 2 clowns in the circus! Seriously though…he doesnt

I don’t really pay attention to trends or buzzwords. I am speaking from my own personal experience.

I play RPGs for the setting, tones and group work. I have never in my life bought a RPG of any form with the intention of competing against others for higher scores or timers.

Blizzadd may like that in their game, but it is not something that I personally look for in any RPG.

Edit - And again, just because they put something in, doesn’t mean that it belongs there. Blizzard decided that AoE caps should be in WoW, no one really likes that, now do they?

I get what you’re saying, but can you give an example of a type of content that was put in then removed, as opposed to comparing gameplay changes (AoE caps) to content area changes (removing arena & M+)? I’m trying to think of one myself.

Not sure as to what you are inquiring about? Off the top of my head, Mage Tower and Island Expeditions?

Mage Tower was a limited event that was known to have an end date, as opposed to content that was removed because players didn’t like it. And I think island expeditions are still going?

Island Expeditions are not being continued in SL. Again, may I ask why you are inquiring about this?

There is nothing that make timers inherently competitive, they are just a measure of success or failure and raids had timers since Classic.

You dont have to compare your run to other players, just do it and ignore how high/fast other people are doing.

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Hate the concept and its why I wont be doing them. MMOs to me is about relaxing and progressing in an immersive world. The more this game goes into action combat ladder systems with timers the less interested I become.

Unfortunately this game is more the latter than the former.

I just plan on doing dungeons until Mythic-0, then beating the Raid on normal before calling it. Theres nothing of interest beyond that. Difficulty levels without purpose are meaningless to me.

They were added to aid in the esports competitions.

Are you engaging in esport competitions? Im not, they are just timers and nothing more

dont like time limits? dont M+ then

you do know m+ was not designed to be an esport. MDI was a lucky accident. We had 2 or 3 season of m+ before they even tried out making mdi. Though right now people thing m+ as “esport” alot of us do m+ not as to be in an esport team but to test ourselves and improve.

If that’s the case, why do normal raid instead of just LFR?

The reason timers exist is largely because it’s almost impossible to completely fail a dungeon of any level. And if you do, it’s only because things start 1 shotting you. And that’s just not fun content.

WoW dungeons have never been designed as content you can “fail” since when you die all the mobs are still dead, and the bosses are very limited in what mechanics they can have when you only have 1 healer and 1 tank. So they’ve never been something you are intended to wipe multiple times to.

So they had to add some mechanic that let people do dungeons which were neither face roll nor 1 shotting people. The timer does that pretty well. Dungeons feel like they are intended to be and can naturally fit in for all skill levels.

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Good question. I dont actually have an answer which is why I think the modern design fails. I guess the delay of LFR means Normal is the first way to see the content, however, yes once LFR is released there is no point to go beyond just LFR from my perspective.

If they could keep LFR>Normal>Heroic>Mythic with a progression path outside of challenge for the sake of challenge it would be different. If there was a Raid specific story being told that only concluded in Mythic, that wasn’t tied to the main story, it would be enough. Perhaps a mini Onyxia style raid they gave after beating Mythic.

Just something, atm your question is the ultimate failure in progression design, because its absolutely valid.

But they DO have a mythic version of the dungeon that has nothing to do with timers.

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Players have a bad habit of making the game unfun for themselves if they are able to. (This is true in most games) And a timer is a very simple way to ensure you are playing at a tuning level where the trash and bosses need to played smartly but you aren’t lusting for every pack of trash as would happen if there’s no timer and people pushed for a +40 or something.

Normally whenever Blizz tries to over complicate things to get a result, it fails horribly. Timer is simple. It works. Keep it.

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I’d disagree that it’s a failure. The system gives you what you’re looking for in story progression while also offering things for those of us interested in power progression.