Does a Pandaren poop in the woods?

I’m purchasing a bunch of bear traps in bulk from Venture Co. and I need to know the best place to put em for min-max Pandaren deaths.

In an outhouse like the rest of us… goes into the outhouse and ends up in a bear trap, followed by angry Orc noises

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Pandaren Racist? Why you hating on Pandarens for?

No hatred, just pursuit of knowledge.

What knowledge?

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Where you guys poop, for one.

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Same place you poop? :man_shrugging: :woman_shrugging:

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You better not be using my bathroom. We go through enough TP as it is.


I bring my own TP.


Fine just don’t be long. I poop twice an hour. I have the metabolism of a weedeater.


Yes and we use the nearest vulpera to wipe with. Works out pretty well.

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I doubt it. I don’t think we had a poop quest that expansion.

That’s an actual shame. Poop quests & Troll Raids are a tradition :'l

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If they’re anything like those charmin a-holes, they probably never stop talking about how much they enjoy wiping.

“Slow dooown”

How uncouth.

We Pandaren take our hygiene seriously, and I’d challenge you to find ONE panda with a dirty coat of fur.

Also, we invest in state of the art bathroom technology which includes jet-stream bathtubs and bidets.

This is why we’re very happy pandas and aren’t getting into wars every 2 minutes.

Who hurt you, OP?