Doctor who time lord challenge!

Every time you die you have to go to the barber and randomize your appearance.


After your 12th time, you delete your character?


You just have a really weird event where the bronze dragons grant you more lives.

Then it turns out later you never needed them.

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It’s Dr Whom


Tardis mount when?


Wait, I already do this. Doesn’t everyone?

I change my outfit more than I’d like to admit

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

I change the outfits of my non-paladin a lot, but I don’t change my entire appearance.

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I heard a theory about the Doctor

It was something like that the Doctor is canonically dead from the episode Heaven Sent where he was stuck in purgatory and had to escape while being chased around a castle by Death.

The theory was that, when he initially got there he died, and the castle reconstructed a simulacrum of him based on his memories & stuff. But that would also mean that the Doctor is no longer the Doctor anymore, they are now a simulacrum of the Doctor.

That whole notion just feels kinda freaky to me, honestly.

No, turns out The Doctor had a lot more than 12 lives.

I hear you can continue to steal bodies, spend some time as a spectral snake, jump in a black hole and still get given a fresh whole regeneration cycle if the Time Lords feel you might be useful in their time war.

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Other than my toons hair style, pretty much all of it gets put in the appearance randomizer

Like my music. Eclectic

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

That could be Iron Time Lord.

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It was never explained how exactly the inside of the confession dial worked or exactly what was happening when he duplicated himself with the teleporter. I personally just saw it as time travel shenanigans, pulling himself from the past every time and implating his memories. Creating hundreds of trillions (minimum) of paradoxes, but paradoxes don’t matter inside that pocket universe.

All we know is that the Doctor somehow remembered the trillions of years he was in there in a repeating loop.

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Haha don’t give me any ideas!

I actually kinda really like this and I’d also have to change that character’s mog too every time!