Do You Want Us To Craft Gear Or Not?

The world wonders.

I crafted a new Everforged Mace to give my alt a 606+ item in each slot…BUUUUUTTTTT…it seems the crafted item doesn’t trigger its ability to convert Carved to Runed Crests.

This is where the conversion system gets STUPID. So…with a sub-606 baseline I would need even MORE ADVANCED crests (Gilded) to get the Runed… I’ll be gentle and just call that bass ackwards. Oh, and … … …

Sounds like a bug perhaps? I used crafted items to trigger the one to convert Runed into Gilded.

There are oddities with the trigger. For the three seasons this has been a thing I’ve had to ensure I was in the correct spec for whatever weapon(s) I was using (I tried using a 2H weapon while in Prot spec one season and it didn’t work), then log out and back in after reaching the breakpoint for the system to award the achievement and enable the crest exchange.

But some characters did not require the log out/in and enabled it right away.

It will happen, and crafted items count to the consideration. Just give it some time even though you should not have to.

What character is having this problem? It’s hard to troubleshoot unless we can see the Armory of the affected toon.