Just curious how many people here want power infusion if it’s going to cost us more class power.
I main Spriest and could care less about power infusion. I’d rather that power go into my other abilities
Just curious how many people here want power infusion if it’s going to cost us more class power.
I main Spriest and could care less about power infusion. I’d rather that power go into my other abilities
The issue is other players put a really high (probably much too high) value on it, so it really would screw over priests trying to get into groups not to have it.
I’m not really sure what they could replace it with that would be as iconic, most of the other checklist utility they’ve doled out to other classes so then what makes priest stand out?
Power Infusion could disappear from the game and I’d be happy.
You think so? If they had more damage, CC or utility in exchange for it I’m sure they’d still get into groups, some xpacs I’ve gotten invited from mass dispel alone
You’re going to make me cry about the huge nerf they did on Mass Dispel…
I love PI. Feels like I bring a cool unique buff to the team. That said if we moved that utility into different tools, I’d be fine with that.
I just like playing classes that bring a lot to the team. Not just a power buff and some extra HP.
I love PI! I don’t need to say anything else!
I’m fine with Disc, and even Holy, having it but Shadow should of never gotten it outside of MAYBE if it was a personal DPS CD only.
Having your healers provide a solid DPS boost to another player that also doubles as a healer through-put CD actually creates interesting and fun gameplay and choices. Yes for the most part you will sync it up with your top DPS’s CDs for max damage but there have been encounters in which you needed to save it for a HPS check to ensure your team got through. That is good design.
Throwing it onto a DPS class that is just going to result in said DPS class boosting themselves and another DPS to double up on the damage isn’t a fun or engaging choice. It becomes extremely linear in that regard and makes it more of a checkbox “ok we got this CD” type of thing instead. Honestly I don’t think Shadow really needed to personal CD at all, I mean it went through how many freaking expansions without access to it? Now it suppose to be a core piece of utility for the spec? That’s garbage. Remove it from Shadow and balance the spec appropriately.
PI feels good.
What doesn’t feel good is having to constantly monitor who is pumping more, and or have people fight over who is using PI. Maybe when we pop it, the raid gets 5% haste? That would give us more group Utility while also alleviating the problem entirely of having to constantly use it on someone else
PI is this theoretically S-Tier piece of utility that actually is F-Tier.
It is exactly good in premade groups (with voice com). I usually pug to portal key range as disci and you usually throw it on a DPS for the boss pull. Trash pulls it’s usually always bad except for heal increase .
Without OmniCD it is completely unusable.
When played with friends its fine, but someone telling me “PI now” in discord isn’t considered “gameplay” and “decision making” to me.
I would love to see it gone and an actual priest rework together of utility/mobility/survivability. Like from scratch (always keep lifegrip xD)
And shadow (only shadow) feels like garbage to play. I never liked the DF rework (any really of the 500).
I would love a mage level of quality for priest.
I’d love it if it were gone. It’s not particularly fun to press. It’s not built into the game like Aug is where you know when an ally is using a CD. This means you need to install addons to track allies abilities. And it’s always the scape-goat behind why Priest has no other utility.
Please I would just love a kick, or some CC, or something else instead. Get rid of PI and just aura buff us by a couple %.
Start using a weakaura that tracks offensive CDs and it no longer ‘requires’ voice com. It IS powerful group damage that you bring to the group. It’s not exactly rocket science or crazy decision making, but you can boost up a party member’s damage a lot.
Also I really don’t buy that it’s the reason healer priests don’t have pug utility.
Shadow priests have an interrupt and a strong defensive and they also come with PI.
I would trade pi just to have the old mass dispel back
I like it in theory. I like the idea of buffing friends and having this utility cooldown that can make them better.
But, honestly, yeah, if you gave me a choice between Power Infusion and the good Mass Dispel back, I’d ditch Power Infusion in a heartbeat. An interrupt, Spectral Guise, or Shining Force would also be acceptable trades as far as I’m concerned.
PI and Mind Soothe are the only two reasons any group will bring a Shadow Priest to M+ this season. Our damage is so far behind the curve it’s laughable. In beta raid testing, we were in the bottom 3 specs for damage (Outlaw, Spriest, Balance). We have since gotten a small buff to Void Blast which doesn’t really effect us because Archon is the current DPS meta.
It’s likely we are still, and will continue to be, one of the lowest DPS specs in The War Within. If I get into any groups at all it will be for PI, Mind Soothe skips, VE for nasty mechanics and maybe PW:F.
If you remove PI, geez.
Meanwhile my Ele shaman is doing 200k overall more than my Spriest in dungeons and brings a 30sec AoE stun, an AoE knock-up, a 12sec ranged interrupt, AG is essentially VE, it brings Blood Lust and Wind Rush totem too with substantially more mobility and, you guessed it, now a mastery raid buff.
In what world would I bring my Spriest to challenging content instead of my Elemental shaman who is better in almost every single meaningful way?
PI is my meal ticket.
PI should function like icy veins, as a self buff.
Silence should be baseline.
we should have some sort of spell that helps with movement.
I give it to bfs ret. I see wings, I hit PI.
Easy enough.
We can’t all have beefy ret hubbies. 🪽
As much as I want one!!!