Do You Think Your Class is Fun?

i havent tried it before this expansion but yes , DH is fun.

different, less buttons, but every button actually does something.
rotation changes depending on the situation (will i aggro stuff if i use this in x direction, what about y direction?)

idk, it’s more simple while being more fun (as long as you;re aware of your surroundings) , and i like that.

I miss WotLK Ret Paladin :frowning: since then I’ve been Prot, Prot hasnt change that much so I’m happy.


i’ve heard good things about wrath ret. what was it specifically you liked about it though?

i am pretty sure wrath was when i got avengers shield so anything paladin related beyond that i wasn’t caring too much about at the time. rofl

I play primarily Blood Death Knight and Beast Mastery Hunter at the moment. I would say both are fun, but I missed legendary effects and tier bonuses (NOT THE RNG SO DON’T KILL ME!). I wanted to try out frost, but heard the only viable build right now is Breath build, something that I hate with every fiber of my being. Therefore, my DPS toon is my hunter for BM (I’ve always loved BM), and my tank is blood.

I don’t know of other classes. I’ve played ret a little bit but I think either the class is in a very bad spot right now, or I really stink because I’m very very squishy at item level 340 on regular mobs. Who knows.

Fury is very fun.I enjoy it.

I just wish i could wield weapons with my feet. now that would be a great fury ability.

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No, the fun of mages for me was making critical do or die choices like timing the perfect combust or squeezing out the most dps between recovery phases with arcane.

The changes over the years gutted every spec but frost and it feels painful slow since the gcd change.


I think Havoc demon hunters should be nerfed into the ground quite honestly. The solution to too many problems is too often “moarrrrrr dh cleave”, including this week’s affixes. There’s no way this 370 dh should be on par with my 382 warrior

been playing since vanilla, my little boomie has never been more fun.

I have 4 that I play: Havoc DH, Feral Druid, Outlaw Rogue, and Survival Hunter. I actually enjoy playing all of them. Right now, I’ll be happy when the hunter is 120 and better geared.

I can’t think of anything negative on any of my girls.

It’s fun, but mostly because I can have fun with traditional healing in any form.

Don’t play well with druids.

is he fury? arms warrior seem alright with the cleave
even then why are you focusing on DH when DK has the superiority? you’re just a hater :wink:

I miss a few of the artifact traits, but besides that I still absolutely love how all three specs handle. The only class I’ve ever liked more than my monk is my poor dead D&D death metal bard.

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Some specs are fun and others not so much.

Fury is amazing, while its a lower core rotation ability spec, every single ability interacts with something else so they all feel good to hit.

Arms. I do just fine but havoc too easy. Can do 15k dps overall not even paying attention to rotation and just smashing five buttons. Then the cc, party avoidance, magic damage, aoe stun, mobility, it’s all just too much. Too easy to do too much damage with too few weaknesses.

I enjoy almost all specc/class combos.

Down at the bottom, however, are Monk and DH.

okay but DH is ranked #4 after frost DK and 2 different lock specs still. seems like you should hate on DKs instead of DHs. but you picked a personal vendetta apparently :slight_smile:

No, it’s been a long time since I’ve particularly enjoyed playing anything and wanting to level x or y up because it just seems like a ton of fun.

Nothing honestly.

Everything honestly.

I tried to roll a fury warrior

Loved it

But the whoosh sound everytime i used whirlwind made me stop playing it. I couldn’t do it anymore

Whoosh. Whoosh. Whoosh. Whoosh. Whoosh. Whoosh.

I play all tank classes (besides warrior; I still think Blizzard still has a bit more tweaking to do on them).

While Prot Paladin (my OG tank class) and V DH are the most fun in my book, I prefer to play B DK over all else.

What do I like about my class? I enjoy the significant amount of control that a B DK has over mob positioning. I love having a ton of CC abilities and can interrupt 90% of trash pack spell casts. I like not stressing out my healer by playing the class that has superior self heals and plenty of options not to die. I like not having to kite, unless i’m on death’s doorstep (again…:rofl:)

What I dislike about my class? While this mostly has to do with haste, B DKs are slow, slow, slow. Mobility wise, Death’s Advance is great, but it would be nice to have 2 charges on it. Rotation wise, it feels as though we are missing an extra button, and i’ll occasionally find myself staring at my screen waiting for something to press. Otherwise, its a near perfect class that probably should be nerfed, again…

I’ve never seen a frost DK whose performance particularly stood out, and most locks seem to be more of a liability than an asset as well. So many geared locks struggle to even surpass 10K dps. Meanwhile never seen any DH do poorly. We are just too turbo. DH need like a 5% haste nerf

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