And equally likely is that just as many civilizations didn’t blow themselves up or annihilate their own planet.
Just as I am certain that humanity isn’t going to cause its own destruction any time soon, I’m sure there are other species out there that haven’t blown themselves up.
It’s entirely possible that other species, with possible access to even elements that might not occur on Earth, that global warming or climate change was never even an issue for their species.
If we were going to teach to a Human 20,000 years ago. The first thing we tell them is “Except for survival tactics, forget everything you know.” Evolution on our planet has also been reset multiple times due to catastrophic events. New studies are finding “super earths” which have been around longer, and are less prone to end of the world scenarios.
You know how much we advanced in the last 100 years? Can you imagine us in another 100,000 years (assuming we don’t kill each other)?
I’m sorry but if we were to meet something that can travel here, the first thing they would tell us is “Forget everything you think you know”.
We are simply too young a species. Collectively we are smart yes, but we still have primal instincts causing us to kill each other every day.
The current incarnation is roughly 13.8 billion but one star is older than that and there is the big bounce theory if it were true the universe will expand then recede until it collapse into a “god particle” trigger another big bang and the dice roll begins again.
I mean it only was an issue for every single other era of species in the past 4 billion years just on this planet?
Billions of billions of different species exinct due to adverse climates, meteors, cataclysms, nuclear winters etc, etc, etc. Sure none of Earth species apart from us were advanced. But we’re not so advanced that we could put a stop to those kinds of events.
I guess it remains to be seen how resourceful humans are.
As far as we can guess there maybe as many as 40million earth like planets out there so the possibility is extremely high for a basic life form to exist like plants or insects. We could end up like starship troopers the way things are going lol.
I would challenge your assertion that such a thing isn’t probable. I think that it’s far less probable that we stand at the top of the ladder as the highest order of life, and that it is far more likely that there are coherent entities orders of magnitude “larger” than us.
We’ve made it this far. Another planet where a species has evolved to roughly our own level would have had to get through likely just as many natural phenomenon. Hell, maybe even worse conditions.
And it’s very likely that there are species that have reached our point of evolution then got Armageddon’d.
But it’s just as likely that they managed to surpass us. If they got to this point, the likelihood of their species going extinct due to any natural event becomes incredibly low. There will be species that wipe themselves out, but there will also be species that wouldn’t.
In a universe as old and large as ours is, the idea that we are somehow the only, or even the most advanced species is simply human arrogance.
Hell, the idea that other species would advance like we do, or experience similar hardships with their climate is arrogance. We have no idea how their minds might work since they’d be molded by the unique circumstances of their own planet.
All opinions here are welcome including yours. But I’ll say it again. Our race has trouble grasping the idea that we might be completely inferior and primitive to other beings out there.
Well the possibility would exist but the chances of us meeting them extremely slim we are very much stuck here unless the world decides to go gung ho on colonizing. Which probably wont happen until earth is on its last legs and the wealthy want to bail.
But to achiveve the huge insects like that movie you would need a high oxygen atmosphere planet in the goldilocks zone with water for the most bare basic chance.
So 1 in 40mil chance theres a bug world but they probably arent intelligent enough to travel or wage war on us at least. If they could even find us would be one hell of a snowballs chance.
Nothing to do with arrogance, it’s just probabilities are not in that favour that such civilizations are still in existence. That’s all. I would actually love to meet a more intelligent species then us (or maybe I wouldn’t if they disliked us).
I don’t know what you mean by that. Most planets we have discovered thus far have some sort of climate that is in flux.
A planet which supports life, by definition (even if it’s sulphur based life) would have a climate. Just look at the likes of Venus or even some of Jupiters moons.
Pretty much blame that on religions “we were made in gods image” crap that was a horrible idea across the board this is why you dot write while drinking.
If FTL travel could feasibly exist (current FTL calculations require more energy than contained in the entire universe), rest assured the aliens we meet won’t be friendly and our efforts to be a more peaceful and understanding race will perish in the silent darkness of space.
Well our planet has some of the most reasnoble climates that you can find in the universe. Short of not having a climate at all (a dead planet) you wouldn’t find anything less tumultuous then our own, so that’s saying something.