Do you think the worgns forgive the forsaken?

big boss babe sylvanis is gone yet, i think the embers of war are still kindling with the worgens wanting gilneas… and maybe lorderon.

Nah, not as long as Genn leads them. He’s still angry and bloodthirsty. Until he steps down (or passes on) I doubt there can ever be real peace between those two


I don’t see why they would or even should. There’s so much bad blood between them that it would be difficult to forgive, but also they are competing for a foothold over the strategic buffer zone that is Silverpine Forest.


will tess not carry that rage aswell?

I think Tess will certainly carry the rage but I also think she has the ability to see reason and understand that war only means losing more of her people


I’m sure it’s easy to make peace. :handshake::robot:

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for you mecha’s yeah i think so. gotta just download peace protocol 9000


Considering Genn made it his mission to slaughter Sylvanas, and now there’s no de facto leader of the Alliance…


Big nah.

…and we were so close to activating it. :pinching_hand::robot:

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Gilneas abandoned Lordearon to the Scourge in the old lore if i recall correctly even without the whole surprise attack thing they went exactly on good terms.

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I’m not sure about forgiveness but, maybe, tolerate. I think they’ll focus more on rebuilding than seeking vengeance.
I don’t doubt there won’t be outlier extremist (they’ll probably be something both the Forsaken and Gilnean’s will have to deal with) but I think Genn will do his best to avoid all out war, especially with Sylvanas not there (though he might grow as a character learning revenge would cost him all he has).


yeah they walled themselves off completely. only for the main threat to come from inside.

do you think he would pounce on them if lets say, the scarlet crusade comes knockin on there front door?

This is not the correct question.

The correct question is “If the Worgen forgive the forsaken, are they still forsaken?”

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what was the council they made again?
just change the forsaken name to that xD

Oh that would be a nice twist in the story. Worgen and the Undead tolerate each other due to a common enemy, The Scarlet Crusade. Crusade would have reason, by their beliefs to eradicate them both.


Tess would be jsut be more subtle.

Horde leaders would jsut start being found dead. A lot. She is an assassin. Her father is more a direct action sword field of battle kind of dude.

If tess ran the place, horde generals would jsut not make it to work. ever again. And she’d politically damage control the uncrowned. If they even cared.

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Worgen ain’t forgivn anyone for nuthin.

The Forsaken have a secret weapon to pacify the Worgens; The Doggie Treat!

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Depends how much skin they show.

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Everyone forgives everything and we all sit in Valdrakken reflecting on how handsome our former enemies are.

What did the forsaken even do, destroy one city? Pssht. I’ve got an eredar sleeping on my couch (he’s between jobs) that destroyed more than that by himself.

The worgen need to get over it.