Do you think the crest limit should go quick this time?

While understanding that S4 is meant to last us until TWW, it isn’t anything fresh.

This considered do you reckon the crest limit should lift/removed, say week 3?


It’s already a repeat season, so let us just do it at our own pace.

If that’s fast or slow then… whatever. Not really a worry. Not even a real raid progression to try to draw out further.

Plus there’s Pandaria remix on the horizon for people who rush & get bored.

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What week do you think would be good?

They raised it from 90 to 120 for S4, so it is already going quick. I’d be surprised if they removed it completely anytime soon.

That’s a fair point, practically it is 2 supplementary upgrades per week. I was also kinda looking out for feelers if I am alone/minority in my opinion on it.

Some items are forced to be used in this system like the Axe which is frustrating because I know it’ll eat up a bunch of time limited slots.

(Feels weird cause no Valor cap this time last Fated, likely for the cause of ‘yeah it’s the same content: ‘)

I mean, I don’t think anyone would complain about having more currency faster. But with the bullion and spark restrictions, I don’t think it would make a huge difference in the long run.

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Bullion will definitely be a gateway to BiS.

I think Spark isn’t too bad as it’s possible to make one Heroic or Myth track craft now, with another in about 10 days. That’s both Embellishments done.

I hate there being a limit at all. We are already waiting to get bullions and gear to drop. Making crests and stones limited is just annoying and seems unnecessary.

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150 a week

Also give a spark everyweek

Feels like it doesn’t matter for fated, but maybe they’re leaving the cap in so next expansion people aren’t like “why is there a cap for crests, there didn’t used to be a cap” lol

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need faster flightstones dont care how fast it is to cap, lots of things to use them on


Yes and they should increase by 30 a week.

I was searching for a reason why they would. It was either time subbed metrics or making a habit for us. Feels more restricted than last fated.

So far not a problem because I can’t get enough crests to overcome them. But I agree especially to players just getting their initial set maxed out flightstones are mad useful.

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