Do you think Sylvanas still loves Alleria and Vereesa?

There is something in there for Varessa at least, that’s how I interpreted their relationship in War Crimes and Three Sisters anyhow. It may be a twisted brand of love but its the only love Sylvanas feels. She feels the same way with Nathanos if Before the Storm is actually telling the truth with her interior thoughts.

Alleria though? Both of them have made peace with the idea of killing the other.

Actions speak louder than words. Alleria seemed to hesitate during their last two encounters, and even advised Anduin to stay his hand on Sylvanas before the siege because she thought she could help them.

This seems more like Maiev, rather than Sylvanas.
Maiev is a Narcissist.
Sylvanas is more like a Nihlist.

When you look at them all in hindsight, all 3 sisters are just mental wrecks. Vereesa, has been left unhinged by the loss of her husband, Sylvanas is akin to a rape victim, which alone entails a whole buffet of possible mental issues, and Alleria…well 1000 years of being off-planet, among numerous aliens, while fighting demons, dabbling in Void power, imprisoned by a Light-themed snowflake, and not exactly supported by her spouse either, saying she has issues is a serious understatement.
This better be some storyline, if peace or a resolution is to be achieved between these three.


Reminds me of a certain Anime villain who believed that the only way to show that you truly love someone is to kill all their friends and inflict as much pain on them as possible. If that doesn’t work, destroy all of reality so only you and the person you love are the only ones left in a lifeless void.

Said character was not really in a stable state of mind. Getting tortured in space by your arch nemesis for years would do that to you. And said character wasn’t really that stable to begin with.

Sylvanas is stated to always do her best to take everyone’s breath away and always has mirrors even after becoming Undead.

Nihilism and Narcissism can mix.

Maiev I only recall thinking that she would be a better leader than Sylvanas. I have seen no signs that she suffers from Narcissistic Injury like Sylvanas does.

Maiev instead seems to be a Paranoiac and those with Paranoid Personality Disorder think they are important like Narcissists do.

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I wouldn’t consider Maiev a narcissist. She isn’t going around begging for people to love her.

Illidan on the other hand… is a narcissist.

Maiev is more like Illidan than she cares to admit.
She was arrogant enough to give a godlike being like A’dal the snub, because they wouldn’t immediately commit to helping her take down Illidan. Much like how Illidan gave Cenarius the snub because he suggested he learn from his brother instead.

This describes Maiev.

“Narcissistic personality disorder — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.”

This also describes Maiev. Best proof of this, is her spat with Khadgar when he was chasing Gul’dan just before Legion.

" A narcissistic injury occurs when narcissists react negatively to perceived or real criticism or judgment, boundaries placed on them, and/or attempts to hold them accountable for harmful behavior."

Her actions in Wolfheart seem to indicate this, as well as the aforementioned spat with Khadgar.


I’m pretty sure there’s a realization of some sort to be had when I can read this description and think of a handful of anime villains to whom it might apply… :stuck_out_tongue:


Anime tends to redo villain motivations. In fact all media does.

Out of curiosity, which one came to your mind first? Name the character and the anime.

I was thinking Gendo Ikari from Evangelion, but I don’t think he was tortured in space. Then Char Aznable of Gundam fame came to mind, given his many problematic relationships and penchant for wiping out all of humanity. It’s been a while since I’ve seen anything Dragonball related, but beating the crap out of your best friend’s enemies -and your best friend- while destroying planets/solar systems/the universe seems to be a pretty common occurrence. Didn’t Majin Buu do that once?

The character I was thinking of was Yubel from Yugioh GX


Don’t know if my choices gave it away, but I’m a bit on the older side, heh.

GX is pretty old though, like 10 years ago.

In her own twisted and unhealthy way Id say she does.

Love can make people do some crazy things. Like a widow digging up her late husbands corpse, brings him home and talks to him as if he was still alive. And yes this actually happened.


It came off to me as merely twisting the knife, toying with her prey, wanting to see her suffer and not getting to before “burn it.”

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There may be resolution, but I doubt that it’s going to be peaceful. The sisters had their opportunity for resolution at their reunion and you saw how that worked out.

That was who I thought of first too.

I could think of a lot of characters who want to destroy the world but not many do it for love.

To be fair, despite her share of unsavory actions, she does seem to have somewhat redeemed herself (at least in the kaldorei’s eyes) as of Legion and Battle for Azeroth.

Not anymore. Maybe earlier on in her banshee existence.

Depends on how you define love. If you define love as putting other’s needs in front of you, then the answer is obviously no. But if you define love as a strong sense of attachment (and in Sylvanas’ case unhealthy sense of possession) and wanting to remain together, then yes.

Sylvanas wanted her sisters dead (and most likely re-animated like Nathanos) because she loves them, not hate them. She wants them to join her in undeath.

She knows that life is better than undeath for her sisters, but she doesn’t want them to have that. She instead want them to suffer with her in undeath and let that suffering forge a renewed bond between them.