Do you think Shaman

Is taking longer to release it’s talent trees because of a possible tank spec reveal???


No i think shaman is taking longer because its traditionally given the fewest developement respources and left as a last minute rush job by the new intern


So true. If you look at the amount of forms druids are given compared to Shamans, it’s disgraceful. It also feels like our developers don’t even play shaman with the weird things they do to our class.


The only one in blizzard that plays shaman and its resto shaman. So you can count on Resto being good while the other two specs get hammered.


Little bit of misinformation here.

  1. No one knows what devs play what class.
  2. Classes don’t have class-specific devs anymore.
  3. No one at blizz hates any class.
  4. Shaman are not comparable to druids, why are we comparing them.
  5. We don’t know how blizzard devs prioritize their day or resources in the field of class development.

We are comparing shaman to any class because everyone is doing okay expect shaman. Why druid? Coz they gave him over 100+ new skins for his forms while shaman got only 1 and in SL only and we had many expansions before. Also who the hell spend master of elements buff to buff physical dmg like why I wanna buff earthquake when in m+ or whatever no 1 master of elements


Have you visited any other class forum? I read walls of complaints about: prot warriors, aff lock, mist weaver, feral and balance Druid, shadow and disc priest, outlaw rogue until recent buffs, all three hunter specs, uh DK, all three mage specs, and Havoc DH

I’d suggest broadening your view and leaving the echo chamber.

Edit: I forgot ret and holy paladin.


We’re specifically calling out the amount of attention druids get compared to Shamans. I don’t know why you think it doesn’t matter that druids gets tons of different forms without even having to ask when shamans have been asking for a while now and they finally gave us 2 mediocre reskins.

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You may have said that, but a brief read in the above posts shows whining about much more than that.

Shamans are the least played, most hated class by the WoW devs. All other classes are fine except shaman, etc….

Yes correct. What are you arguing?

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Yeah that’s pretty much all these forums are. Don’t expect anything reasonable here.

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what is unreasonable about shamans feeling underdeveloped for the past decade?


Citation please. Some proof would be in order instead of just making outlandish, childish, whiny claims without any evidence.

It is ironic that nearly every class has players that feel uniquely victimized by blizz yet they don’t ever talk to each other to realize their perspective isn’t special or unique.

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okay i dont have peer reviewed studies but shaman does have the smallest playerbase. its also had the lowest representation in all forms of pvp from R1 all the way down to combatant. Thats been true through several expansions now. MoP and Wrath are the outliers where shamans are strong in pvp. Wod was a huge outlier for Enh, Cata was an outlier for Resto, but outside of those expansions Shamans have been unplayed


I won’t dispute that shaman may suck in PvP because I have no idea. But they are pretty decent in PvE (I play feral and aff lock so…)

Also, I think rogue is currently the least played class. Monks and warlocks also exist.

compared to feral and aff sure, but both of those outshine in PVP.

and no, shams are the least played, warlocks are one of the highest.


Don’t druids get more forms because that is essentially their transmog? I spend much more time in form as a Druid than I do in ghost forms as a shaman.

Also, shaman have great transmog compared to Druid. Example, dark shaman set vs astral form non-sense.

Warlock are FOTM currently. When they aren’t, they are pretty sparse in my experience. But I still believe rogue or monk are less played that shaman.

yeah thats how everything goes. its just that shamans havent been FOTM since wod for enh, cata for resto and mop for Ele.

Do you play pvp? I don’t mean that it a mean way, it’s just almost every arena comp has either a rogue, hunter, mage, or druid. Classes that can use stealth are selling faster than hotcakes.