Do you think 'RANDOM RBG' is enjoyable?

I guess people will come back to retail wow pvp when S2 is dropped.

Right now, two-thirds of my friends on are playing Classic. By comparison, most of them were playing TWW within the first two months of its release.

People aren’t leaving this game. Most of my friends were added over six years ago, and about 80% of them are still active.

that BG honestly just depends on your team make up its just really really bad for melee classes seeing as there is zero cover or anything to LOS other than the Center pillars and with every lobby stacked with frost mages you just spend the whole game perma CC’d frozen in place, but yeah there is very little point in PVP as a whole anymore its just not fun

Yes. I have been doing it this week catching up on alts etc and testing some things out.

Winning is still the goal and having fun is still the goal. The brackets health still matters especially since I still love a few of those EBGs. I feel like :

is better done in in random bgs or epic bgs than in a place like Blitz or RBGs lol.

You say this but I have been in games where one side dodges the other. My team starts and plays most of the match with 20 to 25 people just getting GY farmed by a queue sync premade.

I would say this is largely true. But less people queue during the day or during off times in general. So one or two communities queue syncing can still make is so you are seeing premades a lot. I am one that will assume it’s not a premade first unless I just see a bunch of names I recognize. If it seems really bad and a little to organized I may look up a few people on the other team. I have found even in the middle of the day there are still some premades. Easy to tell when someone has hundreds of games played for all the EBGs with an 80% to 85%+ win rate.

It’s alright, but like a lot of people are saying… Way too many Deephaul Ravines!

I have an alt problem so I just stockpile CQ on alts, hit 1600 so I can buy boxes and send the boxes to more alts. :face_holding_back_tears: I hit 2400 back in November ( blitz is vry srs ) after doing any kind of ‘push’ in rated for the first time and kinda lost motivation after that, I’ve just always enjoyed the BG format over the arena format.

tl;dr - me smooth brain bg hero me like bg

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It’s 1400 now.


The entire pvp system has seen so little care taking over the years that all of it needs help. It can be fun in spurts but generally it’s so poorly balanced and griefed that it is really in a bad state. Late in the season is even worse.

Fair points, and thanks for the reply.

I’ve always wanted groups matched vs. groups. People say ‘Blizz’s systems do not allow for that’ - but then my reply would be ‘So then what…?’ They should make their system match make well. Until it does there’s always going to be issues.

They do allow for groups v groups, it’s called RBGs. It’s interesting, because as someone who BGs way too much I feel like you’d want to to RBGs against your guild. Why wouldn’t you? You get to do a little trash talking, hone in your skills and flex a little.

But Eilane, RBGs are dead! BUT - hear me out - if all this epic BG premades full of ‘friends’ queue’d up strictly RBGs ( like Blizzard intended for groups larger than 5 people ) - the bracket would be super active!

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Ya we keep telling them that, yet they don’t touch it. It’s almost like they don’t want to actually try.

I haven’t played bgb in a month. I only wanted to get to 1800 on some toons i don’t care about anything more. So I been doing lots of randoms. I would never step foot into the kiddy pool (epics) but random bgs is still fun. There’s some games that are a waste of time. You run into folks who don’t know what to do and then you run into super random heroes like Metz and his little crew of losers. But overall it’s not to shabby right now