I feel like the garrison was dropped too early. It wasn’t a bad concept but executed poorly.
They could’ve really built off of what they had instead of removing it entirely.
I feel like the garrison was dropped too early. It wasn’t a bad concept but executed poorly.
They could’ve really built off of what they had instead of removing it entirely.
Its a BIG possibility, there’s no rumors of it whatsoever. Even those supposed “Leaks” from MMO-Champion, of all places, and nowhere else, along with other supposed leaks from the same spot too doesn’t make it encouraging. But the point being is, its possible and if its to focus on Azeroth, and with what people have datamined and what that could lead us towards, may hint as possibly including player housing but we’d still need information on that… I do hope for playable dragons, I do hope for Player Housing, I do hope for the focus on Azeroth too. Its just too soon for me to have hope that high, not yet.
They are just giving a taste now, I predict it will become completely open in 10.0
I don’t.
I think they are just going to keep ruining core concepts by removing various restrictions in order to create hype and look like they are listening to the player base because it is cheap way to do it and they no longer care about the World.
Player housing will be interesting, it means that we will get a bunch of new assets such as decorations, trophy’s, display toys, etc that we can now loot from the world and also purchase them off AH to decorate our homes. If player housing does happen, I want it to be similar to how SWTOR did it.
i hope not, if they put all the effort into housing we might lose another season\raid tier.
I love how many people on this topic think that the same people who make some player aesthetics are the same ones who will be making raids. Just like when people raged about new appearances for player races.
A similar situation to people yelling at me on the phone at work about their internet (router/modem/printers/etc) not being plugged in, while I was the one doing internal server work that had nothing to do with that. “Not their department”
Someone else will do this work. There are more than like 5 people at Blizzard.
It’s a tactic Blizzard has deployed in the past: Schrödinger’s Raid. When the community pushes hard for something they don’t want to implement? Not enough dev resources. When the community pushes hard against something being implemented they don’t want? Relax, it doesn’t cost any dev resources.
If Microsoft is really going to own both now:
Microsoft "Hey, people from ESO who did housing, you guys are now doing housing in “World of Warcraft.”
“Wow team, just do the barest minimum to allow these guys to do their thing. The texture artists, sitting on their thumbs, can help out.”
Realistically? No
But would be nice, I’ve made multiple posts about housing, but if anything, would be nice to have.
TBH WoW’s art team has always been top-notch, same with their music.
Forrealz, some people act like Blizzard is just a company from the 90’s running WoW off of a Commodore 64 in someone’s attic.
I honestly hated everything about the Garrison model in general, but I will agree with the point about the appearance. The Alliance garrison is much, much better. Horde in general is a hard place to be if you really hate Orcish/Troll/Goblin architecture.
The garrison, while still not housing, would have been much more tolerable if I could have put in Blood Elf buildings, for instance. Mind you, what I would really kill for is a house with Suramar aesthetics.
Player Housing?
Get in line behind Ogres and Dance Studio!
i hope not, garrisons failed and there is already to much to do. most of us are content with a single major hub. shattrath and dalaran were perfect. now there is just to much phasing and portals and so on. the last thing this game needs is player housing what a waste of man power that could otherwise be ironing out the wrinkles that this game has in other areas.
itll suck 100% if they add it, did you see the garrison…
I would love for it to be but I sincerely doubt it.
I believe they’re gonna hold on to that idea for a “break glass of case of emergency” kind of situation, like if they lose even more subs or if the next expansion flops, they know that would bring some players back.
Because there will also be people who are satisfied. I’m not satisfied with a lot of the game’s design, I have little investment in premade group activities, but there are still things I am satisfied with.
The game doesn’t need to be universally enjoyable. Not everyone enjoys pet battles or world content, but I do. Not everyone enjoys raids and dungeons, but some do.
This is a feature that I would personally enjoy. I liked the Garrison, I just hate that it was an abandoned feature and I dislike how it was tied to power and not tied to professions in any way to expand upon.
Tails for worgen
That’s well put, even guild housing goes that way.
And the far worse part is that it goes all time-suck and stuff migrates to the cash store as part of it. People felt they had to do it in order to be competitive players. Had some big negative impact.
Even though the garrison is as I called it a jewel of design with a starting point and an ending point, many of the buildings had featers and tie-ins with the world around it. It took time. The amount of blowback about it was intense because it sequestered people in their garrisons and emptied out the game world. Sadly though … it’s really tough to estimate the positives and negatives because it’s conflated with the war on flying blowback as well as other things.
But that’s all past,
How this relates to today, is I think one of the “bads” in SL is a lack of editorial oversight. It’s clear now that these guys have lots of ideas. What’s needed more is trimming, editing. As well as editorial change, not just removals. adding housing runs counter to this. they need to get their act together taking much heavier and more honest critical passes with the stuff they come up with. It’s an authors problem, they can’t see their own stuff, editors exist for good reason. The film “spotlight” comes to mind, where an outside career editor (who really knew the business) made the writers and product better.
Honestly, maybe it’s a problem with the age of the industry too. It’s just not that old. Good editors, the best, are old hands, they are picked from pools of hundreds and thousands of authors and have big experience. Maybe this things, mmo, hasn’t been old enough yet for those guys to develop.
Not sure about other data centers, but on Crystal in FF14 there are roleplay events happening pretty much nightly.
It needs a sticky that explains why garrisons were nothing like player housing, for people to go look at games with actual player housing. Because the reason world’s don’t die off in those games is housing does not have core progression systems in them. And people go out in the world to collect materials for making things for their home. Or get drops for items in their home.
Outdoor fort =/= housing
We have garrisons in Draenor, so no - there is no time for player housing.