Do you think Player-housing will be a feature for 10.0?

Couple of new buildings you could set up and decorate. Dance club, house, BBQ shack are some other socially focused buildings.

I think for the people that really want this the vision is they will have the new RP hangout everyone will want to be at.


BBQ shack ,that’ll be great! I could invite a Tuaren over :smirk:


I’m always hoping for player housing.

They said they’d never do Classic, so when J. Allen started talking about ice cream, I didn’t put two and two together. Then when he mentioned ‘vanilla’, the brilliant dawn of realization slowly rose over me, and the happy tears of joy began to flow.

So here’s to hoping! :beers:


it’s mid february, if there were going to be an expansion announcement for this year it would have come already.

I personally expect maintenance mode until sometime 2023.

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This is what people are subscribing to do. How much smaller do you think they playerbase would be if…

  • transmog
  • character customization
  • almost all mounts

…were removed?

There seriously aren’t 10 million players out there who want to look like they are wearing bc clown costumes.


Player housing in other MMORPGs always seemed like a weird dead zone to me, I don’t understand what people get out of it (happy to hear more about why people like it!) But I did like the instanced personal garrison in WoD and wouldn’t mind something customizable and gated behind tasks and achievements like that, but more permanent, something that could grow and change and morph through each expansion but that remained a customizable “home” for our toons. Would be neat to choose a theme/style or locations out of the many building types and zones throughout the game, and play to unlock rooms and gameplay features; like the covenant stuff but maybe specifically designed around how you like to play the game (raider, questing, Mythic+ etc.)

WoW Classic is an excellent comparison to player housing.

Lots of people said they wanted it.
Blizzard said it was a bad idea.
People insisted.
Blizzard made it.
People played for… what, a month? And then it was a ghost town.

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I honestly think it’s gonna be sooner than later now, There’s a good possibility housing will be in 10 or 11… why They didn’t act on it sooner is beyond me…

No, no it’s not


If you only count retail players as “people”, then I suppose. By the time most tourists had left, the PS community was growing. I know people who have never come back to retail.

Woodcutting was one of the planned professions that was scrapped before release. I believe it was going to produce stuff like staff and axe handles and the like.

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The people who would make housing are more the texture artists and such. They would not be the people making “end game” content; it would not take away from the uber content people want.

I think housing would attract more players, it would not matter if they’d only mess with it sometimes (that is the way it is in ESO.) It is really kind of the point, it isn’t supposed to be a huge thing. It is just something people have always wanted because we were told before the game was released that it was going to be in the game (along with guild halls.)

I still use my Garrison, nearly every day. I’d also use housing. The best thing they could do would be to put it in the game and have another hearth to it, just like with Garrisons.

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Ya, it was such a disaster for Blizzard that they decided to stop it immediately…

So they could launch TBC and then Wrath Classic.

Sometimes your arguments are weaker than a watered down LaCroix.


Yes. The “Classics” are a huge success; they wisely decided you can play them if you have a retail subscription, so that only makes the retail game more successful.

I would say there are alot of people that like to design,decorate and feel they achieve something worth their time,it’s a matter of pride and prestige.

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Hopefully it’s clear to everyone by now that there is so much red-tape and ‘too many cooks in the room’ at Blizzard that it’s very hard for them to get even the smallest things done.

Did I ask for them to be removed?

I really hope not

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I think the point was that you are dismissing them as content. If you were correct, then removing them would have little impact. I think we both know removing them would be bad. Therefore they are important.

The person who replied seems to be implying that content that is extraneous to combat can still be critical to player’s enjoyment of the game. Few will like all things, but having more things means more players are likely to find something of interest.

Housing would be one more thing to cater to the diverse players interests.

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A big difference between transmog, for example, and housing, is that transmog is portable. You can make an amazing suit and take it into town and show it off.

Whereas with housing, even if you use the ‘open world’ or ‘housing neighborhood’ models (and there are many, many ways to do player housing), the number of people seeing your house will be very small. So small that I think the next step would be “give people rewards for coming to look at my house.” :roll_eyes:

Transmog also used existing game assets. It was just a coding exercise for their programmers and voila.