Do you think Player-housing will be a feature for 10.0?

It is kinda weird , we have cross-faction in 9.2.5 , how would they hype up 10.0 ? what is left ?

Why not keeping cross-faction for 10.0 ?

I think Player-housing is happening , something big is coming for 10.0


I really wish it would but I seriously doubt it.


Highly unlikely.

I dont really care for it but if it is I’ll bite. But Blizz should make it happen for other players who want it.

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Cross faction is better done sooner than later. End patches can have huge system changes. Like 7.3.5 revamped the leveling experience at the end of Legion with all the scaling additions. Better to do it now in 9.2.5 so players can enjoy it for the next year while we wait for 10.0. And it gets it out of the way.

I don’t know if I’d expect housing to happen though. There are reasons Blizz has never done it so far and that it hasn’t happened in any other expansion. Namely just the size and scale of the project for an optional cosmetic side feature.

It’s always possible we may get it at some point in time, but I’d keep expectations tempered and not bank on it too hard for 10.0. :slight_smile:

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I personally don’t like player housing and they attempted this with garrisons and everyone just stayed in their garrison. I don’t think this will happen again. I know a lot of people like housing so I am not hating.

Just curious when MMORPG games turned into collecting cosmetics, and decorating a house? WTB more real game play.


I’ll be glad if blizz would upgrade our garrisons as player housing like they said it would be like but that is only a dream.


9.2.5 will just be cross faction in Shadowlands :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

1 year in Zereth Mortis and Shadowlands :sleeping_bed:

I hope we will have new content for 9.2.5 and not just cross faction for 5 month like 9.1.5


I don’t think they would stay in the garrison anyway the annuities are useless and the missions meh. They can remove it as of now to make it have something else more constructive.

9.2.5 will have more than just cross faction. I’d expect more story content tying off the remaining loose ends of SL, likely returning to Azeroth and fixing the Scourge. And as with all patches it’ll surely have other side features and cosmetic reward additions. System changes too. It’s not only cross-faction.

It’s not a major patch though, only a minor one. Don’t expect content of the caliber 9.2 is going to have.

But yeah 10.0 is not releasing until later next year. 9.2 will be the endgame for quite awhile.

I think there’s a changing of the guard happening within the WoW team. They appear to be making decisions they wouldn’t have in the past, so there’s a possibility this might be revisited. I would just hope they took their time and made it a permanent feature, rather than an expansion only feature.


Hopefully it happens in 10.0, but if it doesn’t I’m 99% sure it will happen at some point.

this forum really needs an explainer-sticky to showcase why player housing is phenomenally bad, and that garrisons already exist … and while garrisons were a beautiful bit of design even they were part of really rough upheavals in the game.

player housing is a terrible idea that would represent an even greater failure of editorial oversight


Historically Blizzard hasn’t really understood how to do content that isn’t tied directly to player power. I remember them saying a few years back how they were surprised by how popular transmog was.

So I wouldn’t hold your breath. It’d be awesome if it happens though and isn’t complete crap like garrisons were.


I don’t think so. Pretty sure of it actually. If Blizz hasn’t come up with a solution for this problem in 17 years, they aren’t going to.

I just checked my trusty magic eight ball


I don’t think this soon; I think Microsoft’s influence might lead to player housing, but that would take some time.

Not in the least, it would just be “player housing.” See ESO/etc. Garrisons were not “player housing.”

A house could be voluntary content, without having some grindy systems or making it something you would “need” to do; it could probably be ignored if you felt like it. It would be instanced, of course, without bothering anyone.

An MMORPG without “housing” (not “garrisons NOT housing”), in 2022, is just so weird. People just want housing “fluff” content and it could be a good money sink.


They had the idea of housing before World of Warcraft got released didn’t they? It never happened. The idea of housing in this game,the housing players would like has yet to come to be. I didn’t feel like garrisons were that.


If they did add player housing, would they add wood that could be harvested by herbalists from trees all over the lands? They could even add stone that could be quarried by miners. Houses are not built of just sticks! Adding a carpenter profession to build these homes and furniture would be cool also.

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It’s just a waste of development time, is the thing. I’ve seen a lot of housing systems in a lot of games, stretching way back to UO and AC, and the one thing they have in common is that people fool around with them for a month, and then nobody cares anymore except an astonishingly tiny number of players.