Do you think fresh 60s will be queuing with ilvl250 peeps

Hmm, I appreciate the effort but that doesn’t get an alt even close to “reasonable ilvl”, all of that gear is complete garbonzo, I was curious about the “half a dozen ways within a week” but it seems there’s no such thing.

Only way seems to “enjoy” 100 hours of being miserable at 190 until you crawl in the dirt for so long you have enough conquest to get most pieces and only then upgrade to better ilvl by getting some rating.

Doing something else just seems like a better time investment, I watched Death Note within a few days and boy it was good.

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Sucks when you compare all this garbage to MoP and WoD which were just: join BGs for a weekend and have a competitive set while also probably earning at least 1-2 pieces of your BiS set in the process.

Or even better in the second half of Legion: do like 2 WQ for AP and then queue whatever you want immediately and be viable. You’d need to do the honor talent grind but you could earn those doing rated. Really miss how easy it was to play alts in Legion.

Won’t even be 1 shots. It will be half shots. The fresh meat 60’s will die before the attacks hit them.

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As someone with 9 lvl60’s, yeah it wouldn’t hurt my feelings if they made alting more friendly. lol

I feel you man. I mean, you’ve definitely got the experience, you’ll be winning games at 0cr with that gear–but I understand what you’re saying.

Imagine you could send regular honor to alts like you can marks of honor??? And then have a main character that you can also use to gear your alts???

It must be too difficult to implement with coding or something idk

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lol. not a snowballs chance in hell. this is a multi-dollar company not some 13 year old indie dev.

one of the best games ive ever played, cry of fear was made by a 13 year old kid in his parents house.

blizz is just lazy and doesnt care what people think or want


One of the coolest parts of PVP:

First getting trashed by an enemy.

Then gearing up, retooling and refining.

Finally trashing them who trashed you first.

This is kind of what pvp is, some people like it and others don’t.

out of touch comment since the current gearing meta has hard walls blocking that from even happening for a ton of players

agree that is how it was in MoP and WoD as everyone, every single player, could get equal pvp gear eventually.

Its an issue with gearing reqiurements. Its much more convenient for duelists to Q for rando BGs for honor than putting together a RBG group. So you have people in 220 gear playing fresh players in unrated battlegrounds. The power gap between fresh 60s and 226 players is just so insane already I can’t imagine the state this game is gonna be in when 9.3 comes around. Just make it so glad gear can only be upgraded with conquest.

by the end of the patch, the only pvpers still subbed will be the 226 ones, so they are correct.

Except they can’t gear up so they’re stuck at phase 1 :upside_down_face: much fun

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This is good advice, but doesn’t it seem kind of ridiculous just to get to a point where you can start pvp? You are missing a few things, though.

  1. Buy crafted gear on AH
  2. Do the Necrolord campaign to get versatility gear
  3. Farm anima to upgrade it all to 197
  4. If Necrolord is not your best covenant, switch covenants
  5. Grind renown to unlock the soulbind you want to use (this might require some side quests as well).
  6. Unlock the legendary memory you want to use (this may require doing dungeons, LFR raids, Torghast or waiting a few weeks for the right world boss to come up)
  7. Farm soul ash to make the legendary
  8. While doing these things farm honor for neck, rings, trinkets and weapon(s). It’s best to stick to epic BGs so you aren’t letting other people down
  9. Once done with this, start your own rated BG groups and require people to have higher item level, xp and a higher rating than what you have to maximize your gain for wins and minimize your loss for defeats.
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Yes it does. I alt a lot, you won’t hear me complaining if they make the path to being viable less of a rough road to travel. I’m even on board with ‘an honor set and a conquest set each only being a set ilvl,’ for that matter. But things being what they are, that’s the path I’m taking currently. If there’s anything I’ve ever told you that you can take without a hint of doubt, it’s that I absolutely despise doing any content that isn’t end-game. I just suffer through it to do what I like doing.

Yep, under the current system what you laid out is the most efficient path for sure. That’s what I do for my alts as well.

There is some danger in doing the covenant switch, though. They might add something to necrolord in a future patch that could have you wanting to switch back. Switching back to a covenant you have left is painful.

I almost have enough for a full set of PVP armor+upgrades. That would get me to 197ish. I’m not even level 60 yet. Another week or two and I’ll be even higher. I’m not sure what the complaint is? You want better gear like immediately without doing anything?

a 15k honor cap gets you what 3 offpieces to 197 “Almost a full gear set”.


We have been in 9.0 for a long time and I don’t even bother holding my tongue in random bgs when my team is nothing but 24k healers. So sick of it.

Your main is a holy priest with 1522 rating in rated BGs. You got that with eleven wins and a 50% win rate. You got MMR carried.

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I also grinded honor when it first came out to Knight Captain for the shoulder pads.

I also grinded arena when it first came out to 2000 rate and Challenger for the shoulder pads.

I’m not grinding anymore. I’ll join some random groups and try to have some fun. Do my best with what I have and try to help the team.

Don’t talk to me like you know me, thanks.

Okay… seems hypocritical to me to chide people for wanting “free stuff” while at the same time getting MMR carried to 207 gear.