Do you think feedback matters?

Depends, sometimes

But when it comes to beta most of the time they just do this with the feedback

Honestly I’m not sure. If feedback matters I feel like the whole community council thing would’ve gotten some results by now, but on the other hand we have seen them change things when subs started dropping.

So I think the only feedback they care about is shareholders getting mad about money

wait what where?

straight over the head like above.

Look at the lightning quick about face they did on the renown requirement for pathfinder.

I think it helps the writer to get something off the chest… to at least enjoy the illusion that what they say matters.

The more I read about Blizzard’s employees celebrating Dear Leader Bobby Kotick’s departure the more I’m of the opinion that in the past feedback has not mattered - even when it came from his own executive team.

Bobby Kotick Is Being Flayed On Social Media - Insider Gaming (

But I’m hopeful that under this new management situation - it will matter in a larger sense.

I’m not going to search up the WQ change from the beginning of this expansion, but here’s the outfit one:

Have you checked wowhead???

Sometimes the feedback matters, sometimes it doesn’t. They continue to ignore all the feedback regarding rares in Zaralek and Forbidden Reach.

We the players just haven’t gotten around to understanding the sheer genius of killing off their world content before the season is even halfway through.

We’ll see it eventually, I’m sure of it.


Not necessarily, history shows they also can and do respond to organic/grassroots backlash

Most recent example of this is when “Pathfinder” announcement thread got posted and very quickly (within 24 hours) the community blew it up into a 500+ reply/feedback megathread complaining about the Renown 15 requirement

Sure enough, a Blue noticed the backlash and chimed into the thread a day or two later to announce they were suddenly backpedaling/removing the Renown requirement

Feedback has gotten a reaction from them here and there, but in almost every case it involved the community responding “in force” with sudden, MASSIVE backlash when X change is announced (…such as the community launching an impromptu 500+ megathread full of complaints)

Not on the wow forum.

They are quite happy to listen to reddit frontpage tho.

100% no

after years of watching them ignore class feedback on alpha/beta… I’ve got no doubt they don’t care what feedback we give.

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M u R d E r Ba L L s!

(whatever that is LOL)

Yes feedback matters, is it the building block of video games.

Does blizzard LIKE feedback? no, actually when we give them feedback it almost seems like they hate it and will go against whatever we asked for.

They value their own opinion more then any of us unless they lose money.

We srly told them to not do covenants in shadowlands like they did in beta, we begged them for months and they even come forward saying ‘‘lol no’’ in a blue post. They said it was to hard for what we were asking and made every excuse under the sun.

they changed it within 2 months of the player count dropping. Easily.


Source: BfA Beta feedback thread, 5,000 replies - all ignored.

If it comes in a tidal wave?

  • Sure.

If its a few here & there, or the odd screaming tantrum? …

  • NoNo it does not. lol

… However as for the base feedback media such as forums, chat-boards, etc — Sometimes one can unveil a realisation to the masses, or spark a great idea that ripples into a tidal wave either quickly or overtime.

So ultimately:

It’s relative on how reactive the feedback is, how its effects apply to their playerbase (like people said, sub-numbers play a big part) and how it would influence the subject (game, book series, tv show etc) overall. There’s been cases in the past where they’ve listened to one loud group, and lose the majority in outrage of the changes made; so directions being made with scrutiny & immensely carefully is understandable.

Depends on if who ever is listening .More than likely it doesn’t and does matter .You test it ,report and leave it alone for those in charge to make their minds up.

On a long enough the scale, usually. It might take three expansions though for whatever the community is requesting to study happen.

It’s why I think the community council is so weird and unnecessary. If they want feedback there is already a ton of it without giving a few people their own private forum.

If it gets enough traction or if the lose enough subs yes.

In the other 95% no.

Community council was a bone thrown to make people “feel good”. It does nothing.