Do you think expansions last too long?

Nope. Two years = Goldilocks.

I seriously doubt I’m going to be able to finish everything I want to do in Shadowlands before next expansion as it is so no, I don’t think expansions need to come faster.

Normally no. Personally I feel Legion went too quickly. BFA just had disappointing story arks - but it seems like a blessing in comparison to Shadowlands. Shadowlands I feel has gone on long enough, lol.

So put it in simple terms: Great expansions - with good feedback should be extended, and poorly performing expansions should either find a way to reinvigorate the players, or cut their losses and prep plans into moving forward with the next expansion – so long as it’s not a rushed; so it doesn’t end up being another ook in the dooker.

“People” don’t force blizzard to release broken expansions. It’s marketing that sets release dates with no consideration of how ready the expansion is to release.

Microsoft is fully aware of the sorts of problems Blizzard has.

Two year expansions are fine. But I really think they make a mistake releasing it all at once. If they used the isle of thunder design and made us quest and work from the beginning to unlock new parts of zones over time we wouldn’t get so bored so fast.

It depends on how good the expansion is. Legion could have lasted longer, one more full content patch would have been nice tbh. Shadowlands, on the other hand, has lasted too long already.

They are probably too short if anything.

People want to consume though.

Yes they do. The player base whines and moans about content being too slow and when’s the next expansion and you don’t think that forced them to release things faster? If you don’t you don’t understand business

You act as though “the playerbase” is one hivemind. They are not. People who would rather have less buggy and more complete content are not complaining, and they are the majority.

Nothing a handful of forum trolls you disproportionately notice forces Blizzard to change their release date. Look at Shadowlands. The release date was already ambitious, and clearly it would not be ready until the next year. Yet management decided, based on releases of other games, to move it up regardless. It would have been a disaster to release it on that release date.

Players were not asking for this, aside from the handful who do not understand how the development cycle works. And in the end they had to push it back again. So it still wasn’t finished, but at least it wasn’t quite so badly broken.

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They already are sacrificing a 9.3 to do just that. We would get 2 content patches in SL and then a 5-7 month end to the xpac. I think every 2 years is what they needs to happen for the health of the company. And I’m good with that.

I don’t care about the length of an XPac, I care about the time between content.

Patches are new content.

The issue is the fact that the content simply isn’t worth doing for extended periods of time. In that whatever content we do get right now tends to be extremely grindy, and anti alt friendly given blizzard is scared that if they don’t make these grinds. Then people won’t want to stick around, when the reality is people unsub after a month all the time, given some are only into the story. Personally I would love to have an alt or two, yet the expected grind is just too massive for the pace I play at. Like legendries are stupid expensive right now, and their about to jump up in price again in 5 weeks. Along with renown grinds are just unbearable if you have to grind more than one covenant. With having to grind torghast, and then you have to grind flux for tier set items for alts.

They have certainly eased grinds, yet it still takes a ton of time to even get an alt right now on par to your main. In that you spend most of your resources on your main, and if you want an alt to mess around with you are expected to put the same amount into that, which is very expensive.

That’s too fast - that’s kinda how we got to where we are now - expecting a full fledged expansion every 2 years is asking for bad content

I’m on board with longer expansions but we need more content patches then. Like if you want 10.0 to be out say, like May 2023, then we would need a 9.3 about September, and that would bridge that gap.

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