Hello! Thank you for coming to my discussion! Please be respectful and positive.
Here’s what I would want in an ideal world (of warcraft):
Multi-Expansion Follower Dungeons:
I would love for them to begin with Classic and extend to other expansions. No more skipped bosses or quest goals missed.
Mythic 0:
I know this one might be controversial but I think it would be fantastic, I wouldn’t mind if the item level of gear was 50 below to reflect it wasn’t achieved in normal.
And before the comment:
“If you don’t like playing with other people, an MMORPG isn’t for you.”
In my opinion, no other game comes close to having as much content and immersion as World of Warcraft. I absolutely love this game but in my particular case, I find myself more at odds with the community than the game itself.
I just want to live in Azeroth and seek my own adventure. I love what they’ve created.
Do you think it will happen?
I think they sent out a survey a while ago that asked if people would like being able to use their alts for follower dungeons. That implies that they’re at least thinking about it as a possibility.
I dunno about M0. I’m fine with the rewards for follower dungeons being at the level they are. They’re for seeing the dungeon at your own pace or completing quests without having to deal with people.
I would love it if my warband or prominent lore characters were in there with me, for sure.
Follower Dungeons, as far I’ve participated in them, are there to help folks see story and complete quests. As long as they continue to do that, they don’t need increasing difficulties and reward structures. That’s how I feel.
I used to be the “this is an MMO” guy but tbh. I’d love for story mode raiding to be expanded alongside this and allow a full clear of the raid with a team of NPCs. I honestly think they should just remove LFR in favor of basically NPC raids.
I LOVED the rookery follow dungeon quest and I think they should have each zone culminate with dungeon completion again.
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Yeah, I really hope they capitalize on this. I think Blizzard has really learned that a ton of players, even if they really don’t consider themselves “role players”, still feel that attachment to their characters as a kind of in-universe group. Yunno you make a transmog for your character and you might not have a full backstory on them but you’re like hey this is my Mage who likes to cook, this is my Tauren who fought the Legion, this is my old priest whose been around longer than everyone.
I think alt dungeons and warbands really capitalize on that feeling and I think it’s really great from Blizzard.
I love the “this is an MMO” vibe but I feel like the rest of the community is just kind of gone on it. You can’t get on almost any MMO now and just like… chat with people like you’re on AIM anymore. People act like it’s this weird thing, or like they’re far too busy (whilst playing World of Warcraft), or they’re just too cranky to really have a discussion.
I’d love for a world where I can just like invite some people to a party and chat about books and TV shows while we all complete a quest together - but I think that time is past.
MMOs came into being in a time where social media was still in its relative infancy.
Nobody really needs them to be this social outlet anymore. Even game-related chat is better in something like Discord that just has infinitely better features for it. Generally in game people are just there to play the game.
Hope so. Became a huge fan of follower dungeons. Too bad at level 80 they are not worth doing at all except for a few stones. And also, would like to have similar outside content like we had in DF. Suffusion camp Fryakks disciple stuff, Dreamsurges, etc. As of now the zones are empty with only a couple world quests in the zones. Two years of nothing but delve mini dungeons, reg dungeons and raids ain’t gonna cut it imo. For old content sure. Personally have no plans to level any more characters that are not at least in the mid level 60’s or already 70 range though.
Hey no problem. It was quite the journey to get here, but I appreciate the invitation.
I would absolutely love follower raids for old content. It might even be interesting for new players to experience the story and mechanics in Dragonflight raids so they get a bigger scope of the game.
It would be interesting to go back on low-level characters and replay old favorites like Nighthold, Battle for Dazar’alor, and other raids.
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Would be amazing all past dungeons receiving the follower system, and also, they could add a scaling option, for player at max level who want to replay those dungeons.
About the dificult, i think expanding it to Heroic is enough. Mythic and Plus is not a good idea.
Pretty sure , but I would like my alts to be my followers
My guess it will eventually happen for older content op. Only reasons the Torghast revamps are more popular right now is because of the rewards structure.
They didn’t add any of those world content features until the major patches. I’d expect the same for TWW. The zone specific events are the launch version content for those such as the lights in Hollowfall and Awakening the Machine in Depths
I dont think they will, they are a complete novelty.
Out side of the leveling process, i dont see the point of them.
Blizzard already expanded them in The War Within; you have to complete The Rookery on Follower difficulty to continue the campaign. I did it on Normal first without realizing I didn’t get credit for the quest. Why is it only Follower difficulty completes the quest? I thought Blizzard wanted to cater to more groups - to increase player agency - not to limit it…
What I most want is an integrated mission table so I can gear up my followers that way, or by doing dungeons if I prefer. No gear rewards for the player though, because the evil of mission tables is that half the playerbase really really hates them, so it really should be genuinely optional content.
follower dungeons are intended to be for the story
play with friends/ join a guild