Do you think Azeroth will get Cataclysm'd again after Shadowlands?

I’ve seen a lot of speculation about this especially after Blizz made that comment about Azeroth being different once players leave the Shadowlands.

It’s very possible we will see quite a few old zones get design overhauls in the next WoW expansion, or hell, maybe even partway into this expansion.

If you could pick and choose, or predict, what zones would get drastic changes, what would it be?

Personally I would like to see The Undercity fixed up and populated again (Not just because I’m playing an undead toon, I really liked the design of that place)


I really hope so. Considering a majority of the races don’t have home cities any more, why not just nuke everything and make an expansion about trying to rebuild with phased home cities that you have to help build. It would be so cool - while they’re at it, let’s nuke Draenor. Sure, we all know what Outland looks like, but imagine if Deathwing somehow found his way there…

(and I agree that UC needs to be fixed up again - maybe some of it could actually be above ground?)

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Assuming that I’m still playing in the next expansion, then I hope that the factions are gone.

There are such huge opportunities for story telling, which mean quests and all that good stuff.


If they stick with a standard formula, the next expansion will be the “attack of the darkmoon faire” where they finally get crazy and move into some crazed circus setting that overtakes Stormwind and Ogrimmar. Roll out the clown bosses!

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AAAARRRGGGGH! Not clowns. I can deal with spiders, snakes, and hordes of preternatural monsters from beyond, but not CLOWNS!

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I think the game will get cataclysmed tbh.

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If all that happens is that we return to a ruined Azaroth, then I hope it’s a free expansion. At least with Cataclysm, we got reworked zones and new areas to explore. A “ruined Azaroth” sounds like a lazy premise designed to take money for lazy wrok

yes and i presume we’ll need to grind a pathfinder to fly in it again

Let Azeroth burn, but pls bring all the mailboxes and auction houses to Oribos, ty.

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Unlikely. You didn’t even need to wait for flying for standard Cataclysm zones because Blizzard couldn’t justify taking away flying in some zones of EK/Kalimdor and not others.

If they do reboot the world, you’ll be able to fly in it at the same level you get access to it already, which I believe is level 45.

I would hope not one cataclysmic event is enough. revise ,upgrade ,revamp yes but not mess up the whole of the world ,please don’t.


No, I don’t think Blizzard will do another Cata.

After SL I think we will go to another galaxy far, far away where we have three stages of Pathfinder.

  • Stage one: unlock the ability to run.
  • Stage two: unlock ground mounts.
  • Stage three: About 6 months before the next xpac they’ll finally let us fly.
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They’ll be glad to remove all old content and turn the game into Lobbies of Warcraft.

Cataclysmed? I just can’t see them doing the work it would take to do it properly. If they do a totally amateurish quality job like they did with the level squish, then sure it can happen.

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Time skip with bristleback, centaur, harpies, kobold revolution.

That is actually the current Hearthstone expansion.

Its already been said that if Flying returns to the game, it will be tied into Renown levels, like really high levels.

We come back and find out world peace has happened in our absence… then we destroy it all in 2 minutes.

Wish they could make a hypo-train that runs across Aezroth ,it would be cool.

Renown will be part of Shadowlands and will end when Shadowlands is over.