Do you ship Jaina and Sylvanas?

Do you ship those two characters? I personally ship Thrall and Genn.

I would ship you out of these forums.


This thread needs a kitten intermission:


Not sure what you mean. I guess if my Blood Elf was running a ship and Sylvanas asked for a ride I’d take her where ever she wanted to go.

Same for a Void Elf if the Lord Admiral asked for a lift.

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I ship you not, this thread sailed right over my head.


Nah. I don’t do anything of the sort. “Shipping” as defined by the OP is pure tomfoolery.

i ship alleria and valeera. i have my reasons.

Genn and Kiro if anything UwU

The only ship i would give sylvanas is one to north korea, tired of her after 3 expansions of her “never serving” the jailer

No, but I imagine Jaina would be quite happy to drop a ship on Sylvanas.


I ship Sylvanas and Alleria.

*Brow wiggle. *

Sorry, that’s one ship I’ll have to sink :nauseated_face:

What’s your rationale behind both these pairings?

Sylvannas is a corpse.

…like that ever stopped a shipper.

I only ship my monk and the innkeeper’s daughter.

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No because they are both body type 2

I will only ship myself with any of the big buff Tauren and/or HMT ladies, now where are all you big buff Tauren and HMT ladies?