Do you see how arms is great again?

Thunderous roar nerf
Thunderours roar nerf
Bladestorm nerf
Talent which increases bladestorm dmg nerf
Opportunist nerf
Show no mercy nerf
Overwhelming blades nerf

buff mortal strike

DO YOU SEE HOW ARMS IS GREAT AGAIN??? :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Spec wont move 1% after these changes, maybe it even go down


Fifteen percent on two major abilities is considerable.


They are good when the equation doenst involve nerfs.

You just traded 5 for 50% of 10.

The math just ain’t mathin’.

Walkmans hypothesis…

Arms will be VERY STRONG now with these buffs, including the other limiting factors from other classes upcoming nerfs.

Warrior (arms and fury) in general will get more nerfs next round of tuning.

Disclaimer: I love arms. I play arms.

You are single-handedly making your class player base look like a gigantic toddler man.


Thunderous roar is useless aoe pad though imo. Arms players keep asking for stronger single target damage and I think you are getting that.

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That and with how mobile casters are combined with warriors inability to stick right now I think spear is just better at the moment.

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Considering an extremely coordinated 3v3 team, maybe, it could work.
Considering shuffle and solo Blitz, a big no.

Last time i played spear, a lock just teleported through the spear then i swear not playing this skill ever again.

Yea i guess getting outplayed will do that.

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Spell is objectively bad and don’t stop players from get out of it, thats why it has objectively 7% pick ratio.
You guess too much, knows too little.

Ehhh I thought so too for a while (when it came to col) but everything can bug it; roar is kinda a must for both hero specs.

That in combination of a long 1 min 30 second cd without any cdr at all makes it :poop:.

Especially with col’s bleeds being buffed.

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Brother I play/played recently both specs you play at a higher level then you do.

everyone can lie, or be carried and/or boosted

It’s all written in ink bud. Even in your preferred meme of a bracket.

im 2100, what your 1900 rating link is suposed to mean?

I spam disable root warriors out of fights in bg blitz because of you, even when they are of no threat or can just die I root them instead then stand there and look them in the eyes.

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We are in the arena forums big guy. Also if you want to talk about blitz, i’m on the plus side of 2600mmr and you’re much lower.

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you don’t know that, you and your 1900 rating are lying

This is the shuffle thing all over again, man. He already has gm/hwl + hero why would he care about getting the rating unless he’s shooting for title?

Play for like an afternoon or two, get 2400-2900 mmr, don’t play enough to establish CR because no reason to unless just blastin’ for free/fun.