Do you recommend shaman?

My understanding of Destro is that itā€™s boring and predictable. Elemental is very RNG-oriented. So, depending on how you feel about that it might be a plus or a minus.

I mainly BG and quest, so in that regard I would say this.

  1. In BGs, once you have the gear and youā€™ve got the hang of the spec, you have a lot of options. I really enjoy the shaman because of the quick CD interrupts, the massive AoE in the node matches, and the glyphed and talented Spirit Wolf which means anyone training on you is going to have a hell of a time taking you out. Iā€™ve probably baited people into being picked off by allies more than Iā€™ve killed people. As a healer, this is somehow ever better.

And if youā€™re Ele, it goes without saying the Thunderstorm is just absolutely spectacular.

  1. Questing. Itā€™s not great. Frost Shock is going to be your most useful talent, but itā€™s all a bit tasteless. I find questing to be more of a chore than I do on other classes, and as I go for Loremaster I find a lot more enjoyment grinding out zones with other classes.

Same with old raids. I tend to use an Affliction Warlock but that end up being a trade for movement speed and kill efficiency. Both pale in comparison to the warrior.

Since I main BGs, itā€™s very fun to just swap healing/casting and be good at both things, but depending on what youā€™re looking for that might not be relevant.


I rolled a resto shaman for an alt and became addicted.

Healing in dungeons is really fun with totem buffs and chain heal.

It takes at least 3 people to take me down in a BG.

And the utility, man, it just makes people love you: water walking, reincarnation, wind walking totem, and more.

Pve? Yes, they are fun. Pvp? Hell no


Fun is subjective ā€¦ Destro is a lot of fun to play . And certainly takes less work than Ele. Just standing and melting the face of anyone who stands in front of you is a lot of fun .

Ele is more of running around using a no of things to draw the fight out. Certainly much more work involved . But a lot of fun too .

this if you want to pvp dont play enhanceā€¦lol.

Got to 1400 arena primarily using enhance.

and 1400 is nothing almost the lowest arena rank,.

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looks at Kelgarā€™s arena rank


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i dont play this garbage game anymore i just play classic wow until classic tbc.



digging through trash like a rat again?

thinks its weird that he regularly calls his own words trash, especially words 12-15 hours old


got anything new you have used this in the other forum?

Heā€™s back at it again the non shaman shaman hater

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if the class was good id play it everyone know its not.

ā€œif the class was fotm, I would play it for WQs, because thats all I do, but I will continue to give my opinion on m+ and raiding. Which I donā€™t do. I will also continue to get mad at people that play the spec and defend it, even though I donā€™t know how to play shamanā€


Just rejoind Wow, havenā€™t played since Wrath, so probably donā€™t have te best advice. But y original main in Beta was a Shaman. Speced through all types, loved Enhancement the best. But, for casting the issue I had with Shamans bac kthen, was the damage was not consistent. Hills and vallyes. The parity was all over the place. Where as my 3rd Alt wa a Shadow-lock, and was really consistent

So again, possibly outdated advice, but Iā€™d saythe biggest difference is if you like the LoLz, go for the Shaman. If you like the numbers, get the Lock.

Class is great in all of its ability but pvp, which as another member stated doesnā€™t matter to wq warriors (nothing bad about being one)

Personally, I find elemental really boring and canā€™t play it for more than a few dungeons at a time. I even find destro more fun to be honest. as for enhance, it is a lot of fun very squishy, if you play shaman to dps as enhance its going to be a uphill battle.

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Thatā€™s simply not true.

If you play enhance to pvp THAT is an uphill battle

If you play enhance to pve, youā€™ll do great. 2nd best timed key in the world is an enhance (when I checked a few days back). Enhance has great cleave and damage, as well as utility.

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