Do you OCE players want me to que?

So I am an East Coast US player that finds himself up late or early pretty often do to the way my schedule shakes out. So I see a lot of OCE groups from time to time LF heals or tanks (which I often play). I never really have connection issues when I am playing with them, but my question to you players is do you want me to que, or are you just rolling your eyes cause I am botching the connection? I always left the mindset that youd ask if it really mattered but wanted to know what you guys point of view is.

Hi, this is the classic general discussion, where the only cross server is BG’s, I see your character is a retail toon so if that’s where you meant to post, you can use the little pencil icon next your topic title to move the thread :slight_smile:

This is most certainly not the classic forums. This is the Stormrage US (Retail) forums. You are lost

Yes because he moved the thread. That’s why there is an edit noted on the original post.

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