Most of shadow priests best visual stuff is passive stuff.
The apparitions look great but they are a pretty weak part of the kit and almost entirely passive.
The tentacles are cool too, but passively summoned.
Insanity is at least one cool visual.
Devouring plague could be better, void bolt i swear looks weaker than a frostbolt and i dont think mind blast even has an animation.
The overall package works but it could definitely be elevated
Blizz could lean into it. I like our murder beams amd tentacles, i wouldnt say no to some more tentacle stuff (maybe one big lasher gets summoned to slam foes?)
Mind blast could get some flare, its meant to be a hard hitter but its animation is pathetic.
Devouring plague isnt very plaguey, they could have a swarm of spirits or something attack the foe.
Mind Blast being a more nuke type spell vs resource generation is something I agree with… At least an option via talents to push it that way in a choice between a second charge or more hard hitting.
With regards to the animation aspect, what would you suggest?
I ask because I prefer to keep any animation to NOT include travel animations. I like the psychic aspect of doing damage to ones Mind. So any beams and particle effects drawing a line between your target and yourself is something I would rather see less of, not more.
So with saying that, I think the current Mind Blast animation of the growing void looking sphere on the target and then it pops works just fine. It’s much better than the original animation where the target gets a whiff of purple smokey haze on them when Mind Blast hits.
What screaming? It is whispers from the void you’re hearing. I say screaming is something entirely different, more for warriors when they use shouting abilities.
Also there is a glyph for shadow form. I my favorite shadow form is still from the mop/cats era. I 100% agree that the current version is terrible, hence I glyph it out.
All of the newer visual effects they gave to Voidweaver look good. (RIP Archon here). The void blast animation is very nice and always feels great to get off. I’m fine with the new void torrent visual, but I’ve seen people complain about it. The tentacles and Thing From Beyond talents are fine, but again, they didn’t put any real effort in here.
Personally I’ve never liked the shadowy apparitions – they feel way too passive and don’t really have enough of a visual (or gameplay) payoff. It always feels weird that our major resource spender is almost completely irrelevant visually.
The current animation could be bigger, its tiny and barely noticeably. Use the same style of animation just add more flare. Maybe make it something like an eye of nzoth that explodes. A larger effect, maybe double the size, and something that looks ‘scary’
Just look at some of the other hard hitter spells that exist for other classes, compare mind blast to lava burst, devouring plague to elemental blast or chaos bolt.
Hell, even just compare our hard hitters to freaking frostbolt, fireball or lightning bolt, we are compleyely robbed of visual real estate!
I could make mediocre suggestions and people are so used to getting nothing they would say its too much.
Imagine though that mind blast had its animation scaled up to the level of lava burst with an evil eye appearing and exploding into a miasma of shadowy tendrils, or devouring plague causing a rippling swarm of void insectoid phantasms to devour our foes.
I dont want to sound entitled or bratty but we should expect a lot more.
My biggest issue is that we don’t have Void Levitate, Void Feather, Void Word: Shield, etc. I hate it that we have holy Disney princess sparkles while in shadow form. Let us be shadow priests, not shadow and glittery sparkle shield priests.
Some of them are cool… Some of them are just hit and miss.
With how much purple it is, sometimes its hard to appreciate the spell animations because it’s purple after purple, after purple. And I get it, Shadow priest. Purple. Add in a complimentary color like silver to make some of them pop. I don’t know.
I find their animations pretty cool. Right up there with Shamans and Mages.
However, I hate the new void torrent because it looks unfinished. Also, they really need to update dark ascension animations because I’m pretty sure those wings are from cata days.
I do think there needs to be a change, less purple more slight touches of blue / green and black. More transparent more of an aura or glow effect on things.
Just not a fan of how it has looked the last few years.
^^ this right here. Some of them are pretty good, and some less so. I do wish we could get some glyphs or something to change our effects up a bit. I really, really want a glyph that would allow us to change our mindbender (voidwraith in my case) to one of our battlepets. I happen to like purple and dark blue so the colors are /generally/ right up my alley. I definitely wish I could get a new effect for mindspike.
I don’t mind Flash Heal or Shield being light VFX.
But the sparkles from Levitate is awful… It breaks the whole Shadow priest vibes and levitating is like a big part of priest roleplay.
Other than that I think that TWW visuals for shadow priests are awesome. Void torrent looks amazing, Enhanced Mind flay too, Voidweaver and ghosties animations are great.
Overall the spec looks fantastic, I would always say I prefer the shadow aesthetic more than the void, but meh